Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: John lazuras ()
Date: August 14, 2012 07:19AM

Hi CP and LTM,

At this year’s retreat (sorry Cult gathering/ brainwashing session) Serge also covered off with the cult followers about the resistance from family / friends and loved ones with regards to their involvement in UM. He goes on and states something along the lines that if their relationship fails what the consequences will be for the UM follower and how as an individual the follower will have some chaos in their life…..but at the end it is worth it for the cause….the cause their involvement in UM.

I will summarise in coming days more of the notes from the retreat this year.

Also I see some of the faithful coming to the defence of Natalie, how she does not talk to ovaries but does perform a massage to the person that helps the woman get back in touch with their body. Well again the PR machine is in over drive, as I have heard a CD recording of one of the EWG meetings stating how in the room full of women at this EWG that Natalie can hear the stories coming from the women’s ovaries in the group….again if I can find the CD I will quote some of the words from her.

My problem with the EWG is that all these mature women with life experiences can sit and listen and agree with what a 22 year old is saying. A person that has limited life experience and no formal qualifications (only those from esoteric teachings / courses) and they all believe she is so great and what she is saying is correct……this alone shows the space where the followers are.

If UM is so full of LOVE then why would not Serge promote the greatness of LOVE of the family unit and partners and encourage togetherness, instead of promoting that if your partner / family / friends do not support UM then you should go it alone and have self-love for yourself.

It seems from the new contributors here and from PM messages that regardless of what the PR machine of UM is saying that there are allot of relationships that have failed because of their partner’s involvement in the teachings and practices of UM. ( Serge will go on and tell the faithful that we are all drug users / alcoholic’s/ abusive and not loving and this is why our partners have left us) but I can assure you that we are all loving and caring people with a general concern of our LOVED ones thoughts and process with the UM movement.

Serge all I ask you is to sit down and have some stillness, take some deep breaths, think about your teachings sorry - feel about your teachings and just for once consider that maybe your followers may misinterpret your teachings in a wrong way and just maybe the way you and Natalie present your teachings you may need to make some changes so your followers better understand / practice what you are presenting to them.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/14/2012 07:20AM by John lazuras.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: lifetruetome ()
Date: August 14, 2012 07:49AM

Thanks to the new contributors. I think its good to hear the different perspectives from all people effected by UM and Serge's teachings.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: HerbertKane178 ()
Date: August 14, 2012 09:44AM

As the Universal Medicine PR and damage control machine is running overtime at the moment, it would be REALLY useful to have this stuff online JL. Then the wider public can make their own minds up. To have the original discourse would be great.

It's also very odd that in all the blogs written by Serge's supporters, not one of them has mentioned any of his super-natural claims yet. It's like this huge elephant in the room that none of them are speaking about. I am amazed. The SMH article made reference to it, so it's not like the people outside of UM and its sphere are unaware of these things (especially his reincarnation claims, which are actually only the tip of the iceberg).

But the silence... it says a lot to me, and I am sure to many others.

John lazuras
Hi CP and LTM,

At this year’s retreat (sorry Cult gathering/ brainwashing session) Serge also covered off with the cult followers about the resistance from family / friends and loved ones with regards to their involvement in UM. He goes on and states something along the lines that if their relationship fails what the consequences will be for the UM follower and how as an individual the follower will have some chaos in their life…..but at the end it is worth it for the cause….the cause their involvement in UM.

I will summarise in coming days more of the notes from the retreat this year.

Also I see some of the faithful coming to the defence of Natalie, how she does not talk to ovaries but does perform a massage to the person that helps the woman get back in touch with their body. Well again the PR machine is in over drive, as I have heard a CD recording of one of the EWG meetings stating how in the room full of women at this EWG that Natalie can hear the stories coming from the women’s ovaries in the group….again if I can find the CD I will quote some of the words from her.

My problem with the EWG is that all these mature women with life experiences can sit and listen and agree with what a 22 year old is saying. A person that has limited life experience and no formal qualifications (only those from esoteric teachings / courses) and they all believe she is so great and what she is saying is correct……this alone shows the space where the followers are.

If UM is so full of LOVE then why would not Serge promote the greatness of LOVE of the family unit and partners and encourage togetherness, instead of promoting that if your partner / family / friends do not support UM then you should go it alone and have self-love for yourself.

It seems from the new contributors here and from PM messages that regardless of what the PR machine of UM is saying that there are allot of relationships that have failed because of their partner’s involvement in the teachings and practices of UM. ( Serge will go on and tell the faithful that we are all drug users / alcoholic’s/ abusive and not loving and this is why our partners have left us) but I can assure you that we are all loving and caring people with a general concern of our LOVED ones thoughts and process with the UM movement.

Serge all I ask you is to sit down and have some stillness, take some deep breaths, think about your teachings sorry - feel about your teachings and just for once consider that maybe your followers may misinterpret your teachings in a wrong way and just maybe the way you and Natalie present your teachings you may need to make some changes so your followers better understand / practice what you are presenting to them.

Re: Universal medicine
Date: August 14, 2012 04:54PM

Hi lifetruetome and others.

Now for another exciting installment in the wonderful wisdom of UM! As to your question of compassion and empathy, I think the answer is contained herein these sacred scribbling from the appointed and no doubt dutiful and thankful scribe at this wonderful and love filled event, where the outpouring of wisdom resulted in these pearls.

Share the work as it is a part of your life, speaking from your heart - share, never teach or preach.
Share the gentle breath meditation- energetically, then the other does not feel you are imposing.


Adjustments to the earth - earth quakes, tidal waves, cyclones etc., are going to increase not decrease. They are going to happen in less remote areas - capital cities etc.
The “victims” have their karma crushed out of them i.e. those that lose their lives - their spirits are free to reincarnate anywhere. Those that suffer and survive are the main cause of the karma of why it has happened. Ones that died - gave their power away.
It is the spirit that chooses to change race or nationality. There is a safety and comfort in coming back as a monk, for example, where you are fed and respected by the people. Spirit groups keep coming back to repeat that form of comfort and are the ones that will survive the earthquakes etc. and suffer the aftermath.
Mankind needs to be stopped- the ignorance and arrogance.
The grass that we walk on is more sacred than ever before, therefore the need for more cleansing on earth.


When meditation is not working momentum is too much, too fast.
At home - caught up in too many patterns ..use meditation as an escape. Meditation is not just sitting down. Change the intent and do it gently.
Intent to connect, rather than closing your eyes to shut the world out, is important.
Apply gentleness to whatever you are doing … this develops a momentum that you do not have to stop.
Meditation is like making love- a celebration of life together. As opposed to having sex, which is for the man - relief, and for the woman - fulfilling neediness.

It's simply poetry isn't it? You can imagine students in 100 years once our current thinking has subsided all reading the SIBLE and rejoicing at the news that Los Angeles just fell into the sea and a million people are sufferng, expunging the world of even more Karma...oh the joy of it!

I just love the imagery of people having the karma crushed out of them. And the little buggers couldn’t hang on to suffer! they just ran off to have another comfy incarnation somewhere. Thankless earthquake victims!. And to top it off, the 'earth needs more cleansing' which can only mean one thing. MORE CRUSHING of Prantic fools that occupy cities. hahahahahaha!!! It's a love filled image isnt it....Almost as good as men only want relief ( well with the exception of one man at least. And we all know who that must be) . Nice little stab at all those jealous men. (And entirely not true for the vast majority of men who love their partners- just the imaginings of a very strange and twisted mind)

Doesn’t it just make your mind boggle to think that your loved one has been sitting there listening to this disgusting crap for years and that they haven’t got out and walked away in total indignation? What's worse is they pay big money to have this rubbish foisted upon them. Gold. incidentallly, I don’t see any of them mentioning this in their defence posts to the wonderful wisdom of the esoteric life.

And by the way, this stuff is freely available if you know where to look. The silly people have been emailing and posting this stuff everywhere for years. I guess they thought it was going to be part of the most profound thought system ever known. Now I pose a question...if someone from UM is reading this and alarmed...I ask why? If it is the truth, then there is nothing to worry about. If it is what mankind needs to learn, I suggest you post it up here and save us the effort of finding it. Then at least we will all know where you stand.

Thanks in advance for your truth and honesty. Doesn't ring a bell...? You know those companions to empathy and compassion.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/14/2012 05:08PM by COncerned Partner.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: HowDoesItHappen ()
Date: August 14, 2012 05:29PM

Hey guys. I'm back.

I thought I'd share my experience and a few musings.

I've been with my partner for quite a few years now. We've enjoyed a great, but unextraordinary relationship, until a couple of years ago. My partner went through some stuff that hurt her psychologically. With counselling she started to show signs of improvement. She started seeking alternative methods of improving her health and they seemed pretty positive. Her mother gave her some ideas on what kinds of things to try.

I first started to hear the word 'esoteric' after maybe a year. I didn't take too much notice. Gluten and dairy became a no-no, but were more discouraged than completely cut out. Maybe close to a year ago her family started talking a lot about a woman they had started to see who could read auras and heal and all kinds of amazing stuff. So my partner started going and getting healing, chakra puncture and loads of advice and funny ideas. I first started to notice things were a bit funny when all you'd hear from my partner and her family was the advice that this woman was giving her. Every life decision that came up, they'd immediately say "I'll have to ask ......"

While I didn't think any of the ideas or advice coming from this woman was harmful (in fact most of it seemed quite appealing as a nice way to live one's life), I did think and say that it can't be good when one person has so much control over anyone's life, let alone a whole family's. I eventually went and saw her with a completely open mind. After all, I don't have the answers to the universe, how can I say that this person doesn't? I came away not feeling healed, but also not immediately thinking it was hogwash. I found her to be very easy to talk to and also very perceptive. I was doubting the whole "nobody can see auras" idea, and thought she did have some ability, but I was pretty content to sit on the fence. I worked out more recently after reading this thread that she had cold-read me and nothing more. Knowing that, I realise that she wasn't actually all that great at it, but for someone searching for answers she must seem amazing.

I should point out that in this time, my partner and I had a baby, who is the most amazing thing in the world. I don't know if it makes things harder having a child to consider, or easier. At least it renders a few of the hard decisions moot. If that makes any sense.

Anyway, a few months ago things came to a head a bit and I decided to look into what all this stuff was about. I had only really recently heard of Serge (there was no mention of a leader or any kind of figure head for the vast majority of the indoctrination. If there had been I'm sure alarm bells would have been ringing in my head much sooner) and Universal Medicine. I noticed his name on all of the supplements and creams, the same surname on music etc.

I searched Universal Medicine in Google and the first suggested search was "Universal Medicine cult". My whole world came crashing down as I did more research and found out what had happened right under my nose. I found this thread and have read it religiously for months now and I thank everyone contributing for all of the invaluable information. I have had a lot of help, both proffesional and informal. I now have a really good understanding of how and why people get involved in these things. And especially how and why my partner has.

That's where I'm at right now. Things are pretty farsical from an outsider's point of view when they see the way we live our lives. I have restrictions on what I can and can't do. I won't go into any detail about what they are, but there are some fundamental rights as a grown, Australian man that I no longer have in my house. People might judge me (and certainly judge her) for putting up with it all. The fact of the matter is that I love my partner, and living without her and my child isn't an option. Not to mention the fact that my child needs a parent who isn't under the control of all of this nonsense to be there for them.

As far as my perspective on the whole scenario goes, I have to accept a fair bit of responsibility for where she is now. I perhaps didn't always make her feel safe and secure as I was dealing with my own stuff over the last few years. When I found out about it I reacted not-so-well and only pushed her further into it. I still think I haven't quite got it figured out yet, because I see some of the things I do or say drive her deeper into it.

I do know this though, having a discussion/arguement with someone who believes in it all from the viewpoint that none of it exists is fundamentally flawed. I think the hardest thing I've had to come to grips with is that while we here all know that it is crap, you are actually wrong to say that to them. Reality is subjective. Yes the sky is blue and water is wet, but for most of the things in the world you cannot tell someone that their point of view isn't reality. They believe it, therefore it is real (to them). Telling them it is not real actually makes you wrong. To fully understand that is about as mind blowing a thing as I've ever experienced, second to childbirth (I mean really, how is that an every day occurence?). It also makes it extremely hard if you hold out any hope of ever rescuing someone from it. I have been led to believe that you can never actually save anyone in a cult, so you just do your best to accept them for who they are and hope that one day they'll see it all for what it really is. Of course then your job is to be there for them when their world comes crashing down.

Anyway, I'm really sorry for the huge post, but it feels better to get it off my chest. And hopefully someone might find something useful in there. Just remember that I fully realise that I don't have it figured out, these are just some observations from my point of view.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: HowDoesItHappen ()
Date: August 14, 2012 05:38PM

Just quickly, I watched that Today Tonight report and I'm not impressed. I didn't expect much from them (and won't be from the A Current Affair story either), but it almost seemed as if they were promoting UniMed. They let Serge get his message (censored so as not to scare aware potential recruits) across, and had some glowing testimonials from followers. I saw nothing in that story to warn people about him and the group.

Let's get a proper current affairs outlet involved. How about 4 Corners or 7:30 Report. Problem is that their demographic is tiny by comparison...

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: lifetruetome ()
Date: August 14, 2012 06:12PM

concerned partner quote serge

Adjustments to the earth - earth quakes, tidal waves, cyclones etc., are going to increase not decrease. They are going to happen in less remote areas - capital cities etc.
The “victims” have their karma crushed out of them i.e. those that lose their lives - their spirits are free to reincarnate anywhere. Those that suffer and survive are the main cause of the karma of why it has happened. Ones that died - gave their power away.
It is the spirit that chooses to change race or nationality. There is a safety and comfort in coming back as a monk, for example, where you are fed and respected by the people. Spirit groups keep coming back to repeat that form of comfort and are the ones that will survive the earthquakes etc. and suffer the aftermath.
Mankind needs to be stopped- the ignorance and arrogance.
The grass that we walk on is more sacred than ever before, therefore the need for more cleansing on earth.


When meditation is not working momentum is too much, too fast.
At home - caught up in too many patterns ..use meditation as an escape. Meditation is not just sitting down. Change the intent and do it gently.
Intent to connect, rather than closing your eyes to shut the world out, is important.
Apply gentleness to whatever you are doing … this develops a momentum that you do not have to stop.
Meditation is like making love- a celebration of life together. As opposed to having sex, which is for the man - relief, and for the woman - fulfilling neediness.

[end quote concerned partner end quote serge]

I love the way he starts off gently, this is the hook. "share never teach or preach". Hello Serge what are you doing? not preaching, not teaching?

then he goes into the rampant divisive preaching - the teachings of UM that cause the lack of empathy and compassion for all living things. Yes CP I love the "victims have their karma crushed out of them". I have visions of people running around screaming with bits of karma flying everywhere.

But then he ends gently again. "Meditation is like making love a celebration of life together" but has to go back to his lack of empathy and total lack of awareness of human nature at any level by ending with "as opposed to having sex, which for the man - relief, and for the woman - fulfilling neediness" .

I won't get started on the sex thing again.

Reading that above quote is like being in the mind of someone who is in turmoil or chaos. Its like being tossed around in the surf, one minute calm, the next ducking and diving for your life. Does anyone know where Serge is really coming from? Was Alice A Bailey this divisive. Afterall it is where he got all his material from, one way or the other.

Re: Universal medicine
Date: August 14, 2012 07:30PM

Hey guys. I'm back.

I thought I'd share my experience and a few musings.

I've been with my partner for quite a few years now. We've enjoyed a great, but unextraordinary relationship, until a couple of years ago. My partner went through some stuff that hurt her psychologically. With counselling she started to show signs of improvement. She started seeking alternative methods of improving her health and they seemed pretty positive. Her mother gave her some ideas on what kinds of things to try.


I do know this though, having a discussion/arguement with someone who believes in it all from the viewpoint that none of it exists is fundamentally flawed. I think the hardest thing I've had to come to grips with is that while we here all know that it is crap, you are actually wrong to say that to them. Reality is subjective. Yes the sky is blue and water is wet, but for most of the things in the world you cannot tell someone that their point of view isn't reality. They believe it, therefore it is real (to them). Telling them it is not real actually makes you wrong. To fully understand that is about as mind blowing a thing as I've ever experienced, second to childbirth (I mean really, how is that an every day occurence?). It also makes it extremely hard if you hold out any hope of ever rescuing someone from it. I have been led to believe that you can never actually save anyone in a cult, so you just do your best to accept them for who they are and hope that one day they'll see it all for what it really is. Of course then your job is to be there for them when their world comes crashing down.

Anyway, I'm really sorry for the huge post, but it feels better to get it off my chest. And hopefully someone might find something useful in there. Just remember that I fully realise that I don't have it figured out, these are just some observations from my point of view.

Hi HowDoesItHappen,
thanks for sharing that- Let me tell you a couple of things. You are not to blame for the decisions your wife and it seems, her family have made. And there is a good chance that she will wake up one day and become aware of what has happened. You are right, you cannot talk her out of it. Logic and rational thought are the first thing to go when someone comes under the influence of a group such as this- though they would not be aware of that as such- so, as I have found, any argument just cements their idea that you are backwards, under the control of entities, channeling, pranic, etc- which is automatic defenses that have been built into the mind trap that Serge has built to keep the students on his path. ( just like other thought control groups)

I have been speaking with cult counsellors and experts ( who all incidentally are aware of UM and Serge, even if they are not aware they are aware!) and they have this advice. Dont argue with the members- it reinforces their belief in what they have been told. 2 - Dont blame yourself. There is a payoff for people to be in these groups, whether they know it or not. You mention your partner had some issues, which is typical. However some people are on a lifelong journey for meaning or to erase some past pain they have not dealt with, which can be an equal reason. Importantly, they are not lacking intelligence or a good heart or intention. They believe what they are doing is right. They cannot see the problem or even imagine that the group is a cult They love the community and the feeling it gives them. They adore the sense of certainty and feel as sense of purpose that they never have before. When they look back at how life was before it seems empty and unstructured....

but deep down they know it is not right. No one can accept the fantastic without suppressing their sense of reality and eventually it does bubble up at some unexpected moment.

You have a child. Stand firm in real love. That is the one where you FEEL strongly for your partner and child - in compassion and caring for their welfare. And if you do, when that moment comes she will realise that you have always been there loving her and this thing will be able to pass into memory and forgivness.

Take care and thanks for sharing your important story.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: HerbertKane178 ()
Date: August 14, 2012 09:39PM

"Adjustments to the earth - earth quakes, tidal waves, cyclones etc., are going to increase not decrease. They are going to happen in less remote areas - capital cities etc.
The “victims” have their karma crushed out of them i.e. those that lose their lives - their spirits are free to reincarnate anywhere. Those that suffer and survive are the main cause of the karma of why it has happened. Ones that died - gave their power away."

I am sure the victims of last weeks earthquake in Iran will really appreciate this. It just goes to show the crass nature of much of this teaching.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: John lazuras ()
Date: August 15, 2012 06:48AM

Thanks HowDoesItHappen,

Thanks for sharing your story with this forum. Your story sounds almost identical to mine.

It is very scary when you start to understand the control that UM and their Practioners have over our loved ones and it frustrates me when they seem to have to clear / get approval for everything by the practioner. This is where I struggle with it, as they lose their ability to think and feel for themselves.
There whole life starts to focus on UM, they will only listen to the UM music, eat the foods that are approved fiery - good foods, stop exercising ( you need stillness), no dairy no gluten products, have a picture of Mona Lisa in a frame at home, go to bed early, and they will repeat the words of the practioner when talking to people, they will also withdraw from friends that do not follow UM or challenge the teachings of UM, sleeping on a UM symbol pillow case, have healing cards under items at home, burning candles on the bad energy card to clear bad energy, buying the massage cream to rub all over there body, buying the additives for drinks to cleanse the body, and it goes on and on and will cost you $$$$$$ ......... but like you I have kids and for the sake of your child it is important for you to be there for them.

I have seen UMers push allot of their beliefs onto their children such as stopping the kids playing sport, restricting their foods and restricting their friends as they want the kids to socialise with other UMer kids ( all got to do with positive energy).

Also just keep an eye on your partners health because from my experience my partner stoped going to the dentist, stoped having pap smears, stopped going to the doctor (only when they were really sick and the UM clearing did not work would she go) as they are taught from the master serge and the practioners that all sickness is self-inflicted because of bad prana and if they clear this prana they will be ok. So when they are sick you will see them go to the practioner more often for massages, charka puncture and energy clearing to rid this bad prana from the body. Also ensure that your child receives the medical treatment also because in my case my partner would try all the above on the kids if they were sick it has only been after I have intervened that they have gone for medical treatment for basic sickness.

If you read the blogs on the UM web as an outsider you would think that this man Serge and UM is a good organisation, but having some exposure to UM and their teachings and beliefs we all know the truth about the organisation. No one mentions about his way out there wacky thoughts and teachings which is of great concern as I believe it shows where their mind is at.

I think from what you have read and learnt from this forum and from your own experience that you know that Universal Medicine is a Cult and is dangerous in their teachings and beliefs system. They promote LOVE but as previously stated LOVE for themselves and no one else.

So keep in there, love your wife with all your heart and be there to support her through this journey.

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