Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: June 18, 2012 08:14PM

Regarding 'ovarian massage' be cautious.

There appear to be few references to this in links tied to current science based medicine.

Ovarian massage is touted as an aid to fertility for those trying to conceive.

Eerily it is also being extolled as beauty aid and means of delaying aging.

and non UM concerns are using it including (esp in China) beauty salons.



Haikou Municipal People’s Hospital of Dr. Guo told reporters the central ovary in pelvic, in general, can not be touched from the outside abdominal ovarian.

Therefore, the massage did not have anything on ovarian function.

Public must not rely too much on the effectiveness of ovarian maintenance. Ovarian maintenance is just a health project, not a medical treatment, in order to resolve disease through it is not possible.

"Ovarian Massage is difficult to perform, and is of doubtful value"


Manual of Practical Gynecology

Dr. Guo also warned that if the consumers themselves have cancer, massage is likely to cause ovarian torsion, affecting blood circulation, leading to tumor congestion, rupture of tumor contents into the abdominal cavity of logistics, will result in tissue adhesion, the patient will be severe pain, Then have emergency surgery.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: Gibbs ()
Date: June 19, 2012 07:22AM

Jonn Lazuras


One point i forgot to report is that Natalie is only 22 years old she states on the a young person at this age with no real formal training could counsel women on relationship issues is beyond me.

It is a sorry state when the women who listen to her are happy to discuss there issues with her when she has little life experience.....and pay her for the advice.

Natalie also claims the ability to interpret your dreams. Dozens of people send her emails of their dreams which she will then translate them to their 'Soulful' meaning. Charged at an hourly rate for the time it takes her to concoct an explanation and reply.

How about that eh? Not only do the Benhayons have the explanations to the daylight problems of humanity. They can even tell you what's going on while your sleeping.

From farm to fork. They got it all covered.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: lifetruetome ()
Date: June 19, 2012 09:22AM

COncerned Partner
HI John

You touched on language which is really important. The way that words are used are designed to invalidate the thought process, and to elicit agreement. All the Benhayons use this same language "cool?, sounds full on but true, does it make sense?, understand?" as a round-off when something has been stated that actually doesn’t make sense and with which you normally would not agree in a normal two way conversation. It is an age-old ( Ancient! Pythagorean maybe..) technique that many gurus, motivational speakers, and sales people use. The idea is this. A person asks a question- you consider for a moment, then ask a question back basically repeating what the person just said in different words- they answer it themselves- you then use their words to segue into your statement- Yes, that's right, and then...... and when you have dovetailed your meaning into the sequence, you round off with " make sense" or for sales people " sound good?". This teminates the thinking on the subject once you have agreement. Most people will agree out of force of habit, particluarly if you nod or use affirmative body language which they will then mirror in spite of themselves. It works and Serge uses it all the time. It works even more powefully for him and UM in general ( or any other group) because people go to see him for counselling and are already in a lower status by definition, and because they believe he does have a supernatural ADSL 2+ connection to Shamballah (long/lat 44° 40' N / 110° 2' E- just in case you need to ascend in a hurry)
His family have been exposed to it and of course can't help themselves. No training required. Others that are around them a lot end up emulating the language.

Here's one for UM people. Imagine Serge having a conversation that didn’t involve him knowing something more than you did? Or that didn’t end in "cool? Make sense?" Imagine Serge saying something like " I cant be sure of that, but it is my opinion...." Hard to imagine isn’t it. That is because he doesn’t operate like that. He needs to be right, to have 'ascendency', to know everything. There is only one way you can know everything: Be God, or be someone pretty close to him/her. We know Serge gets a lot wrong. But if you dont believe us, try it can do some simple tests yourselves at home with some things you find around the house...a peice of paper, a pen, and some thinking. Construct a few "hypotheticals' involving people that dont exist and see if he works it you he can't. He cant read minds, he can be tricked easily - therefore he is not God, or all knowing...therefore he must be...........

I just read Serge's latest FB entry. It is so patronising and annoying I really can't believe so many people can follow what Serge says as complete at absolute truth. But Concerned Partner you are right at the end he writes "Simple isn't it?". I can't believe how smug Serge is. I have worked physically with people for years and years but I don't make myself bigger or better then anyone else and I certainly don't claim to know what is right for anyone else. I wish Serge's students would listen to their bodies over their heads because maybe they would realise that their bodies aren't having too much fun following the UM doctrine. Leaping around exercising, dancing and moving in ways that isn't esoteric might actually benefit their bodies not to mention letting up on incredibly strict dietary requirements. But Serge you have brainwashed your students so they actually can't listen to their bodies or their truth anymore because their intellect is confused and frightened that if they do follow what is right for them they will end up filled with entities and prana, basically they can't listen to themselves they can only listen to you for all the answers. If you truely allowed students to listen to their bodies, then everyone would have a different diet and have different ways of moving or exercising, because we are all different and we all need different ways of staying healthy.

New Era Message - The highlights...
Date: June 19, 2012 09:15PM

Slerge Bencrayons* New Era Message in Summary

For all of those that have missed the ageless wisdom of Slerge in his recent message and find it too dense and mind numbingly repetitive, I have spent countless hours combing through its deep mysteries and invite you to encounter a world of clear insights, lucid wisdom and life altering philosophy… sit back and enjoy and let you mind disappear into the world of Slerge Bencrayon… ( please note, I have had to paraphrase at points and some of the meaning might not be as intended by Slerge, but I think I have extracted the true meaning. The work is so extensive and wise I could only get half of the revelations into this humble summary)

(* Note, Slerge Bencrayon is not associated with his close name sake. The events that take place in this discourse are not based on real people or events. Any similar quotes have occurred due to a timeshift in the energy flow of the vibrational akashic plane in the 10th dimension via the astral portal of the logoic medium through the ageless hierarchal medium of occult impressions into the carnal fingers of the astrally controlled typist)

Start- Slerge, wishes you are happy a new era which starts in 2012 and invites you to read his message and agree, or not….

And, if the Ageless Wisdom is not to your liking, click on the X, switch it off, close the book, stop reading and walk away and find whatever you choose is right for you. If it is all made up – then let it be the hogwash or the lies you deem it to be. Criticising it will only reveal that ithas touched areas you do not want touched.

Hi Spudents…. Just to let you know, there is a new Era starting that will last (about) 2600 years. However, it will not mean anything much if you are not aligned to the energetic laws. …. People are making choices outside of the Divine Light which is having a negative effect on mother earth and the earthly plane and our potential evolutions back to our original form of life…so just as starter, if you don’t go with this, then you are having a bad effect on earth. Cool?
There is a new dose of energy with the start of the new cycle and you get it depending on where you are at depending on your free will and our amassed choices leading up to when the energy infuses us.

Pause to consider a deep insight: Time is a measure of thoughts, choices and behavior returning to their divine expression until they become divine again. Pretty cool eh?

‘Pre’- Preamble-

This is not just the opinion of Universal Fleecedin or imagined solution to the worlds problems. One should consider that there laws are real and immutable and aren’t designed to suit and ideal or belief. We live in resitance to these laws It is rather ridiculous if not utterly absurd that we live within an unchangeable that provides for us an amazing love-filled Divine life we then refuse and resist to have by the might of ignorance and the might of the arrogance that thinks/believes and holds as an ideal that one or a group know better or different. ( Oi! I hope they don’t notice our ideals….no problems keep talking Slerge)

Why would we not want to live within these laws? Because the Human spirit wants to live how it wants without any thought of the effect it is having on others on the planet- If we do only have one single life this might make sense but since ( c’mon you all know you’re having thousands of lives, right? ) we have many that doesn’t make any sense at all… ( umm, right?)

Without regard to all these lives we are going to have, and the other 6 Billion people ( give or take a billion, I cant know everything) we want to become mean, harsh, seek pleasure, build wealth, find an easy job, get angry, get involved in a cause, become a criminal, learn to play music to hide emotions, become good at a sport, Find a CULT AND LIVE UNDER THEIR IDEALS, become famous, take drugs or drink ( have I covered it all, they’re all wrong choices. Good one about the cult Slerge hahaha, that will fool them! Hang on you forgot institutions, etc…)
Or get involved with organized institutions, religions ( ah, now you have it covered..)


(hang on, they may still think it is okay to do what they want…) I’m not criticizing your choices…but if you continue to indulge in those choices then there is DISASTER looming. Remember what happened to Pompeii…if you don’t make the choice by free will, then we’ll cover you in lava dude.
Hang on, you still think that is a natural event? You’ve been listening to those so called scientists and intellectuals again, right? Well I can tell you now that the disasters you see are not random! They are because you make continued bad energetic choices ( bugger, I hope they don’t Google and see that the number of Seismic events is at an all time low in the last 100 years…)

Listen up spudents, even the scientists aren’t as smart as me. They don’t know that world is all about ENERGY ( even though that is where I got the ideas…shhh.. because none of my former incarnations didn’t talk about it because it wasn’t part of the current knowledge then, but hopefully my fellow spudents wont realize this, snigger snigger)

Let me mock your pathetic and socially imposed new year tradition that is personally yours in favour of my superior NEW ERA message by telling you, every choice you make impacts everything ( do you get it, be scared very scared) let me ramble for a moment… and emphasis again, that you aren’t making loving choices ( how can you when you think you can do as you want driven by a set of lies (no irony intended) you have embraced.

You know what the lie is ( no not me!)… your spirit entered this dimension ( I’ll call it third because I think there is 3) under an illusion! It is separated from the soul.. you think you are free but it’s a gigantic lie fool? That’s right Slerge is telling you that you cant fight the Universal ( sorry) energetic laws! Fools. Are your eyes open now eh? Here’s some more crap to confound you:

What is today known as the human spirit, that which dwells in the human body upon incarnation, is living the utter lies and pure fabrications it once chose to adopt and has ever since tried desperately to make happen … at any and at all costs.

Let me tell you about our ( me and the higher-archy) book (speaking of at any cost...$35 available online and at no good bookstores) and the fact that the very idea you think this is wrong or are having doubts is ‘spiritual pride’ which I will knock out of you so you will believe in my…I mean your Divine origins.

So basically, spud-ent you need to get re-aware. By that I mean Forget everything you know is right and your commonsense and come on my whacky ride back to the Divine soul, not the crappy little one I have been demeaning since the start of this copyrighted discourse.

Let me brag a little here- the last year was packed full of predictions I said that came true. I wont write them here lest you remember what they were- I don’t take pleasure in this but I told you more people would get sick because they wont align using their ‘free’ will with the ‘Ancient’ Law.

Now I am a true seer, not like some of those other charlatans. I have the power of prophecy brother! Let me explain. It is not what happens exactly, because that might not happen….it is my energetic reading of what happened. Get it? So what I am saying is, the words I said might be wrong, but I will determine if it is right or not depending on whether you resist it or not. Make sense? Hang, what I mean is this: I might not be accurate as such, but I will be accurate about the healing that is needed? So if it doesn’t turn out, it isn’t because I am a crap seer, its because the possibilities are altered because of the collective behaviors of others before it occurs, so it is their fault for making the wrong choice. Now I am sure that make sense. Cool? Look what I am saying is there is a 5th Dimension you cant see and there are two parts to the prediction, there is and the now, and momentum…bugger it…basically I predict that there will be calamities and illness and that proves I am a true seer.

Anyway, what that means, is that I predict that because you don’t see what the hell I am on about, there are corrective forces which will bring things back to harmony by blowing the crap out of the place. Thus, it is discarding what doesn’t belong…. blah blah, hmm, hummm, dah de dahhhh…. basically its your fault because your bad choices keep having an effect of everything Do you get it finally?

I want to you study what I just said, stick to it and act on it! By the right of free will. I only say this because as a TRUE seers and I don’t want the correction to happen to you..but alas there are few of us these days and you rotten proletariat won’t listen to what we clearly have to say anyway….

But I digress…

The true problem is what you will do with my offering? The last bunch for the last 2000 odd years wouldn’t listen and were a loveless lot so I bet you will do the same…look there has been a bit of progress but not much ( I hope they don’t notice we have come out of the dark ages, reduced worldwide poverty to the lowest levels ever, increased the average lifespan by double, increased literacy a thousand fold… nah, they wont check that out..hahhaha)

So what I am saying is: you really suck. You are way behind the limbless, mouthless and eyeless inhabitants of other planets so the chances are the apocalypse is almost upon you….there is a few of you that may be okay because you’ve been sticking with the fiery plan. Anyway I know I am good, thanks.

Okay, that’s it. Have a JOY-FULL new ERA- hip hip horay!

Oh By the way, these joyfull message are totally free. And Psst. If you know someone ready to get a scare share it with them. That’s what were here for. To spread the love.

Hang on, I’m not finished, there's something else coming through….stay with me.

Letter to everyone

Listen guys, you better get you live in cycles. If you don’t you will miss the whole idea of this planet. You think life is lineal, you know one thing after another.. you know like yesterday is gone. WRONG- I want to make 2 points but they don’t make any sense- here they are. Energy is something we do in, and we live in a time and space displacement something and as we move forward time pushes us- ( get that Mr. Nobel Laureate physicist!) Hang on, they are not facts- this is: ( oh yeah, right doh!) Everything is energy and allowing everything to happen. Now if it beings a thought and it not cleared it gets repeated- so that means if you do some bad shit, the energy is still hanging around and is carried with you into the now. It can happen again. Now I’m going out on a limb here, but to support that think about this the earth orbits the sun over and over and we pass through the same energy over and over therefore time is not lineal and we encounter the same energy until we stop to clear it ( hang on, isn’t the universe expanding, and the solar system moving around the galactic centre at millions of miles a day and the galaxy moving through space at fantastic speeds and the earth orbit decaying each year? Doesn’t that mean, in 4 mathematical dimensions we are moving in a more or less straight line? That’s okay I am too stupid to get that, what chance has my students..hahahah) SO we do not ever leave anything behind unless it is a form of energy that is not ever called on or expressed again ( what? does that make sense? Nah, who gives a toss. By now they are really confused…hahahahaha)

It would seem, by fact and not by imposition, that the occult and esoteric teachings of the Ageless Wisdom are the most accurate teachings on Earth give that all they present fits perfectly with the actual physical facts and, those that are energetically taking place … even if the latter will take the majority of mankind a little longer to re-discover …..makes far more sense than any other teaching …. ( shit, by now they will buy any crap I say….fits with the facts…hohoho hahah. )

(Okay back to the business of scaring) So spudents don’t forget nothing takes place without energy. SO damn well don’t think before trying to use your own puny mind.

Now where was I?...right, pay attention to the Sun crossing a certain point and how we measure time ( hang on that gives me another idea!)– for you people who are into exactness to gratify the need to obscure reality with details…. The earth wobbles, its not a perfect sphere ( I remember that from my lazy Pythagorean days in the Mediterranean sun...) but that is beside the point, you’re just going round in circles not getting anywhere… a fact history can attest ( can it? Hang on, the world is way different to how it was, humans have advanced, societies liberalized, sicknesses cured…damn facts I hate them!)

Enough of that…let me tell you about the meaning of life.
( no not the movie, pay attention)
• You’re not human. You’re more than that. If you keep focusing on that, you will fail to enjoy your existence lost in my fantasy world… but it rocks doesn’t it?
• To make this point further. You may remember some moment where you felt more than just human, a divine flash? Unless you’re too thick in which case you really need to listen…well if you did, or didn’t and reject it, you’re in for more of this human shit or even worse, Astral hell. But hey, it’s your choice. Just telling you how it is.
• So you need to work your guts out ( at my courses if you like) to get a glimpse of the divine- it may take lifetimes if you believe in stuff I don’t agree with. That’s the stuff others impose on you….not me…others. So get this, if you don’t feel it and it is not happening, it is because you are deeply immersed in yourself and being human- You’re being tricked by the spirit…not me…..for gods sake!, the spirit okay.
• Let me say it again. Even if you get it for a nano second it cannot be ignored, and if you don’t get it, then you need to. If you fight it, then it is because you know you are being astrally controlled.
• So basically if you agree with that, then you cant deny what I am on about- You need to say, hey I am not human I am divine. You might be hearing a few voices ( like I did) It isn’t madness ( I tell you…) listen to that voice and honour it. So you have 2 choices- go with the voice within or try and lead a puny human life tricked by your astral entity and others that are imposing on you… not me…others!
• Look, you may have another voice telling you this is all shite. That is the ‘evil’ etheric voice. Don’t listen to it. Honour what was felt for that micro second- don’t let you mind get involved….you are getting sleepy now…. Honour it….honour it…..honour it…….

Now a word of warning. You may think you are on a spiritual path…. But that is trick that will keep you off course for countless lives… I am the only way….I am the way, the truth….it was Jesus..blah blah ( yes I am jesus, the alpha and omega, you are under my control now…shhhhhh children….I am the avatar of the new era, the second coming…..)

What you are still thinking? Listen up when your untrained mind is used by your spirit it created a human being and it has to protect its investment and therefore you mind resists the truth of what I am saying. You are committed to how smart you think you are and try to defend your puny idea… the spirit will not submit to my truth….but take note—even if you have initially fallen under my spell, you may later start to think for yourself! Don’t fall for that. Hold true to what I have said. If thoughts appear squash them down- don’t fall into the prison of so called knowledge and truth. Keep honouring this one intangible idea I have given you.

WARNING! If you are not committed to this then you are pranic and it will take countless lifetimes so hang on to it THIS TIME students…

Hang on Crucial thought coming through… ( I mean revelation) Oh no, more of the same…anyway, when the spirit entered the sphere of life driven by self indulgence ( not me, your spirit… Glamour!) it didn’t see Earth was a creation of Logoic life ( that Jargon will throw them..hahaha) Well what does this tell us- Something that is designed to reinforce the idea that you are deluded and not in line with what I am on about….

Let me keep going on about it for a moment….and then end with this paradoxically statement meant to give you the idea all this rubbish is about love and not fear and my ego…

And the key to that is -- self-love,
self-honouring and thus to choose the inner-most over any mind-full
ideal or belief. ( in other words, do as I say.okay!)

hang on, there’s more…..once you have given up your thinking then you are on the Path of no, I mean, the Path of Return. You will be able to read what is energetically taking place ( like me, see my discourse on how good a seer I am!)
this is called unfoldment or the path of initiation ( sounds cool right?) and once that happens, in about a million lifetimes based on what I have told you, then you can go to the other happy place and leave this behind unless you want to come back and do the good work like me. Such is the fiery plane

And so human life is…….

Well that was really CLEAR wasn’t it. Basically, your mind is governed by spirit and you are an idiot.

I will be back with more. With Atmic Love, the forever Spudent. Slerge.

And so ends the lesson for this week. With Love…

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/19/2012 09:40PM by COncerned Partner.

Re: New Era Message - The highlights...
Posted by: John lazuras ()
Date: June 20, 2012 06:52AM

Thanks Concerned Partner for your summary of Slerges new era message.

How can anyone believe what he preaches is beyond me.... i do not know how my intelligent / charming wife can believe what he preaches and follow his teachings.

The more information gathered and discussed here is of great help when i have the discussions with my wife and i feel i am getting a win with doubt about the teachings of UM.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: treefern ()
Date: June 20, 2012 02:41PM

COncerned partner, you must have a lot of spare time on your hands to even read Serges drivell, but thank you for doing it, I had the best laugh and still can't see the screen for the tears of LAUGHTER running down my cheeks. I will be showing it to all family and friends who have been involved, I know they too wil enjoy it thouroughly.
My son keeps saying some really clever person is going to make a Monty Python type movie about this family.
To John L every tiny seed of doubt that you plant with your wife is all that you can do. I hear there are more than a few partners leaving the fold and coming to their senses! Intelligent.....your wife will come to her senses.

Re: New Era Message - The highlights...
Posted by: frodobaggins ()
Date: June 20, 2012 04:37PM

Does anyone know if Serge predicted the Melbourne earthquake?

Great post concerned.... you give me a good laugh while addressing such a serious topic.

Re: New Era Message - The highlights...
Date: June 20, 2012 05:06PM

COncerned Partner
And so ends the lesson for this week. With Love…

Nicely done, I attempted a translation on this also but only got through the second paragraph.

All jokes aside, it should be obvious to any reader who can stomach the syntax of SB's 'writing' that the circular logic, manipulative language, deception by ommission, falacious arguments, rhetoric and blatant plagiarism all point to a writer who is at the very least a moron and at the very worst a delusional, deranged, self-righteous sociopath.

At any rate, it someone I would trust to lead a group.

Concerned Partner your reinterpretation nails it, this guy is an embarrassment to the human race, I don't know much about lowering the vibration but I think he is single-handedly responsible for lowering the average intelligence in NSW if not Australia and the world by at least 6 Billion Per Cent (give or take one Billion).

Re: New Era Message - The highlights...
Date: June 20, 2012 08:00PM

At any rate, it someone I would trust

Should be 'it isn't someone I would trust'

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: Eric Dobbs ()
Date: June 20, 2012 08:02PM

Thanks Concerned Partner, I wager that the next thing to vanish will be these comic and entertaining "New Years Messages". Anyone with the slightest reservation about Sludge Benhardon and his credibility would have these doubts confirmed on listening to these laughable interviews with the endearing yet obsequious Gail Cue. Don't kid yourselves people Sludge determines :
When you go to bed
When you wake up
What you drink
What you eat
What you read
What you think
What art you view
What people you mix with
What music you listen to

Think about it, is this MEDICINE ?

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