Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: Gibbs ()
Date: June 14, 2012 02:34PM

Hi John Lazaras, I think you are doing the right thing. Keep loving and supporting your wife with all your heart. My partner was always there unchanging and supportive. She never tried to talk me out of UM and allowed me to find my own way out. I think I would have dug in deeper if she argued with me or flug my healing symbols around like frisbees, like some students have told me their partners do when they find them. LOL

Love will find a way.


Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: Gibbs ()
Date: June 14, 2012 06:33PM

Gidday COncerned Partner, I will respond as in previous posts as it seems easier to reply in context.
COncerned Partner
Hi Gibbs'
Glad to see you join the conversation. Naturally you are going to be challenged in doing so because most of the people here are having the opposite experience. I am not one to work on anecdotes, but I can tell you this, I am close enough to know what you are saying is evidentially not right. I know many people involved with UM and I know them to be confused, conflicted, none the wiser, less assured, less self referring..simply less than they were.
This is strange because it is not my experience. To me many of the old timers have unusually clear bright eyes and permanent smiles on their faces. It is obvious many have lost a lot of weight. But they tell you they have never felt better and claim to power through the day on 5 hours sleep I know Serge from way back
I have known Serge for about 9 years. I have a friend that he used to coach his kids in tennis
- yes Serge, think....and I get an overview many might not see. Yes, Serge can show you things to improve yourself. It is a paradigm shift that feels powerful. But it doesn't make him holistically right,, just self assured or one might say, deluded because he who shows no doubt lacks self awareness.
To your point, just about every person I can think of involved with UM has given their power away and yet claims they have more!-Are you saying they are faking it or are simply deluded? in almost all cases they are great people, well meaning and with beautiful intentions and purpose. Yet they have failed to see that Serge is offering them false choices and asking unwavering belief in his ascendency return for salvation and certainty. He masterfully dresses this as choice while admonishing you against the alternatives.

Gibbs, there is a reason your family is not involved. They are not lesser, and nor are you. They simply choose to live by the truth of their own hearts and not by that of a man who claims to be more than most. Next time you are sitting with him watch how he disables your own sense of what is right with careful question/answer/disqualify language and you are on your way to understanding how he takes control of his students.Good point and yes I have noticed this. He says 'you already know what I know' then leaves you with the realization that you don't have access to that knowledge because of this this and this. Ultimately you are left with the only option available. That is to become deeply involved with UM to help you reconnect to your innermost Our disagreement is not with you my friend. Your intentions are pure. It is with he who claims to know more than you can and do know yourself. Take care.
Thanks mate, I appreciate your reply. You point out many of the things that did not sit right with me. Someone said you need to have an open mind. But not so much your brains fall out!

Re: Universal medicine
Date: June 14, 2012 06:58PM

This message in plain english means this-
Serge hadn't thought up the word concept in Vietnam, gave it is shot in Lennox, probably didnt like it as it was intensive/time consuming, and dropped it in the UK.
Students, gagging to have the word given to them because their power is with Serge and not themselves are in comparison with those that did get the 'word' Serge has probably been inundated with emails to get the word.
That's his response. a paragraph of nonsense to put an end to the episode.
Serge, besides being transparent, why do you have to put a hyphen in a word you want to emphasize and why cant you construct a sentence that inspires rather than obfuscates??? Is it because you want your students not to see you are not really saying anything and to leave their noodles in the tangle you like them to be in?

John lazuras
Hi All,

I have attached a small part of UM notes from their recent retreats in 2012 that was recently emailed out to all their students.

Have a anyone can believe what he preaches i do not understand.

By the immutable facts of Energetic Laws –

Never is humanity not all included in all that
The Hierarchy provide by way of teaching,
revelation and or demonstration

What does this mean?

It means that –

• No matter what is said/taught/demonstrated by each of the Retreats, in one way or another, everyone receives it all – on many levels.
• Yes, the details may vary as in – the Lennox Head Retreat received their ‘Divine word’ whilst this was not the case in the Vietnam or the EU/UK Retreats. Nonetheless, the Divine word is activated in all. In time, some will get it whilst others may not ever need it as the activation will live the word far more than the human mind can ever know it. Put simply – living the love you are, allowing it in from others and allowing it out as an expression to all, will bring all that you in Heaven are for all to have.
• It is for this reason that Serge has taught – ‘comparison is a destroyer of what is already amazing and perfect for you in your life’ – SB. In comparison we want/need what another has we think is better or what would be best for us if we had it. In this, we further bury our own beauty and our own Heaven-ness in favour of what we think we need as opposed to what we already are. The more we want/desire what another has, the further we bury the Glory we are from. And from there, the subversion of the Divine, in favour of the astral, provides for a self-destructive fury that is hard to contain. Whilst this little illusion takes hold we miscomprehend the fact that we are designed to be a piece of Heaven that makes up the whole when we are all in its expression. Hence, ‘expression is everything’ is not the use of mere words but a representation of a gigantic beauty we have yet to re-turn to and experience once again.
• Away from comparison and moving towards who we truly are provides for a clearer and far more self-loving passage back into the centredness of our being, where the essence is re-united with the fiery love the Soul is. It is here that we get the love followed by its living life … known simply as -- Glory.

"Glory shall be known by those who give permission
to let out All of who they Truly Are"
~ Miranda Benhayon

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: Gibbs ()
Date: June 14, 2012 07:59PM

Hi MacReady, I would like to reply and tell more of my experiences in context.
Regarding Serge's claim of being able to 'put entities into people and then remove them' I made mention of this in an earlier post. I have also experienced this alleged talent of Serge's first-hand and I felt ABSOLUTELY NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER. I kept waiting to feel anything other than myself and nothing at all happened.

The only apparent effect I observed in others was apparently one of suggestion, ie. some of those people that already believed Serge can put entities in them looked a bit glum once Serge assured them that their turn had commenced.

Serge actually performed this as a group activity where the attendees pair up, and take turns in supposedly getting possessed. Apparently Serge not only has control over entities, he has the exact right number of entities hovering around at his disposal when working with large groups of people, and can make sure the entities only enter the specific intended individual in each pair undertaking the exercise before they swap over for the other person to experience it.
I had exactly the same experience when we did the group session. In fact I got confused who the entity was supposed to be in. I was looking at my paired partner, staring in her eyes while trying to see the changes to her features as Serge made suggestions on what to look for in the background. Only to find out later that the entity was supposed to be in me. She went on to describe how my face changed, my shoulders moved forward, eyes became suspicious etc.. I didn't notice a single thing. When he supposedly put one in her I was ready but honestly did not notice a huge change. Her eyes did seem to become squinted and less clear but I really was looking for something that I would not have seen if the exercise had not been set up

He never explains how he has control over them, how he puts them in, how he takes them out, how he can have such specific control over so many entities when dealing with an audience of roughly two hundred people, or indeed why the exact number of entities would be hanging around just waiting to participate in one of his workshops.
On another occasion Serge did say how he put and took out the entities after a spectator stood up and yelled out 'How did you do that' It was about five years ago but Serge went on to say how the entities are just dis incarnated spirits. Basic people like you and me that have chosen for whatever reason not to incarnate. Some times because of great pain in one of their incarnations or other reasons I can't remember.

Serge said the entities think they are all powerful and can do what they like, Especially the higher level ones. By giving them the experience that they can be taken out of the person possessed they get a healing or some king of humbling lesson, and it is supposed to be a good thing. He apparently asks their permission to be let in. From what I know, there is supposed a whole petty shit fight thing going on in the spirit world/Astral plane for positions of power from level one entities right up to the lords of form. Who are also just like us but have NEVER incarnated in human form. The LOF apparently know their number will be up one day but they hang on to the power and glory they get from keeping 9 billion so souls in illusion

The most convincing entity sessions I witnessed was not like the pairing up. It was two separate times with a bout 6 different people. It was a fair while ago but I remember Serge would select a volunteer from the audience (joking one time about how the person was coached on what to say). Serge would stand at the back of the room while the person sat or stood on the stage. He would then ask the person questions like 'what do you think of when you think of the word Love?" There was a 8-10 year old young girl this time and she answered Mom, Dad, happy, friends, etc.. After several other questions, he would then stop take a moment and announce the entity had entered. You could see the girl become fidgety and distracted with a mischievous grin on her face and Serge would ask the same question 'what do you think of when you think of the word Love?" the first word that came out of her mouth was pain, I cant remember it all in detail but all the words meanings were turned upside down after the entity was reportedly in. I saw grown men speak and express clearly before the possession and during the possession be lost for words and in tears because they simply said they could not feel/express the meaning of the word/s. Serge goes on to say we should not fear entities because they are just like you and me and cannot make us do anything without our permission. They are just lost and on the same path back to God like the rest of us.
Sayings like 'He wasn't himself', I don't know what came over him', 'I've never seen him like that before', ;He was beside himself', are all said to be example of when a person has allowed possession

I should probably emphasize that I don't drink and had been alcohol free for quite a few years before this, so If having an 'entity put into me' was going to induce an effect similar to a hangover, I can assure you I would have felt something, given that I find the effects of alcohol highly unpleasant.
I don't think it induces the feeling of a hangover. If you are referring to the story I told of the Alcohol Rep. I don't think this was a case of entities, just taking on the energy of the people intoxicated.

If anything this exercise was, for me, a clear, observable, first hand experience in just how devoid of real evidence Serge's more bizarre claims are.

It's quite possible that Serge really is capable of these amazing powers though, so I'd be keen to see him perform this exercise with a group of the scientists that he frequently claims he would like to debate on such matters. I'm sure they'd be most interested in experiencing this phenomena first hand for themselves, and recording/publishing the
results for the global scientific community to peer review.
I absolutely agree. I look forward to the day if it ever comes that Serge puts this one to the test. There is absolutely no verifiable documented scientific evidence of any of these claims being true. Every time claims like these are tested they come up failing miserably. There would be a noble prize for Serge if he could prove any of these phenomena beyond reasonable doubt.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: treefern ()
Date: June 14, 2012 09:24PM

About the food questionaire.
My experience was that when my husband gave me the list of 'pranic' foods I wondered just what he could actually eat without feeling guilty. His weight loss was huge and seemingly overnight. The saddest day for me wasn't seeing his tired and drawn face, or the fact that friends were asking if he was ill he looked so grey and gaunt, it was when our daughter saw him several months after his new eating regime started. Our daughter had been away and when she saw her father again she just cried, the look of horror on her face said it all. I now play 'spot the UM disciples. " They can be easily picked out of the crowd by the grey, gaunt lifeless faces and frighteningly thin bodies.
I found that new foods were added regularly to the 'pranic' list, which keeps the UMers on their toes and ever frightened of becoming stuck on planet Earth. Serge believes that we (earthlings) are really from Mars or Venus and our spirits have been trapped here by 'earthly bodies'.
So anything like potatoes which connects us to the 'earth' is forbidden, newly added, anything with 4 legs and so the list goes on.
My husband stopped telling me about the newly added foods as it just upset me even more, he would pick around those foods if I gave them to him. When I once said what would happen if he ate 'forbidden' food he told me nothing was "forbidden, it just didn't "help him energeticly" (and we are all just energy) he could tell it "spun" him out, "made him sick" etc, etc. I just started to add small amounts to his meals , without his knowledge only to find that nothing happened at all. This was the beginning of my pointing out to him what Serges mind control was actually doing.
Either eating at friends places or restaurants became a nightmare with my husband drinking water and telling me he wasn't hungry...fear of what was in the meal. This as you can imagine added to his weight loss.
Serge works on human fears the little ones we all possess, we the partners, family or friends need ressure our loved ones that their fears have been fed to feed Serges ego!

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: treefern ()
Date: June 14, 2012 09:30PM

So true Gibbs.
Unfortunately at some point however enough becomes enough.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: June 14, 2012 11:52PM

The use of italics in both black and red font is confusing. Very confusing.

Which is why I agree with treefern.

Enough is enough.

Am eager to learn yet more about the food behaviors, especially as treeferm reports that SB gives changing directives as to the diet--surely a way to keep anyone anxious who takes such stuff seriously.

If we can get a rounded and detailed picture of the diet as actually practiced by dedicated UM people, we may gather information here that will assist people to understand that extreme dieting, rather than 'entities' could be an important contributing cause to UM people's sufferings.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: June 14, 2012 11:57PM

Final word.
Confusion here. At one point 'know is used in present tense. Then used in past tense

'have known'

'about 9 years'

Everything is kept blurry.

What isnt blurry is that 9 years is a very long time. And there are too many other contradictions as noted above.

Game over, table closed.



June 14, 2012 02:33AM


I know Serge from way back

I have known Serge for about 9 years. I have a friend that he used to coach his kids in tennis

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: June 15, 2012 12:02AM




It's quite possible that Serge really is capable of these amazing powers though, so I'd be keen to see him perform this exercise with a group of the scientists that he frequently claims he would like to debate on such matters. I'm sure they'd be most interested in experiencing this phenomena first hand for themselves, and recording/publishing the
results for the global scientific community to peer review.

This wouldnt impress skeptics but would worry any UM readers whose doubts are daring to stir.

Am sure I will be open to accusations of obsession and nitpicking. However, when doing evidence based research, these are useful qualities.

If I were ever to need heart surgery, Id want the surgeon and nursing team to have those qualities.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: June 15, 2012 12:29AM

To the rest of the Merry Band -Please lets get the UM Food Behavior Questionnaire examined. That list of behaviors itemized by persons who have lived with UM people will if posted here, assist visitors and readers to comprehend why thier estranged friends and family members are behaving as they do.


A bit of concern:

Note--bolding by Corboy for emphasis

What is of interest here is whether G, who seems to be offering help to escape UM is still intoxicated -- not with alcohol, but still intoxicated with SB.

Gibbs wrote that his subjective experience of SB allegedly putting entities in and out of people marked the end of his drinking.

**IMO, such a story is more than a story.

It is a testimonial.

It is also a reminder to UM people reading this mateiral that would perhaps innoculate them against the skeptical perspective offered here--as well as damaging descriptions of ruptured relationships and effects of adhering to the UM diet in all its rigor.

I suggest as an American citizen's hunch, that Gs stories offer validation of SB's alleged powers.

Skeptics like us would not be convinced, especially those who have lost relationships and family to UM.

But someone on the fence in UM, wondering about leaving could read this same material from Gibbs and feel their faith--or their fear reactivated.

June 14, 2012 07:59AM
page 35 June 13, 2012 08:27AM



So true what you say about many of the more serious students cutting people out of their lives. It's kind of sad and unnecessary.

I had a drinking problem and quit because I was unable to find a path moderation.

My partner still has a glass of wine a couple times a week. I don't like how it changes her, and makes her loud, unnaturally affectionate and smelly. I like her better when she is herself. She doesn't feel real to me and the mood only lasts as long as the alcohol is working. But it's what she likes to do and I have never tried to stop her. Who am I to tell her after I breathed alcohol on her for 25 years. It would be hypocritical.

I remember seeing Serge put and pull entities out of people of all ages several times. I remember seeing myself or what I was sometimes like when drunk that was identical to what I was observing in the person with an entity. It actually made me feel quite sad. Serge went on to say that an intoxicated person allows entities easy access. Basically possession. For me it was the beginning of the end to my drinking. I noticed there has been little or no mention here on Serge's putting in and taking out of entities. It was one of the most clear, observable phenomena of his presentations.

For here mention 'about five years ago'


On another occasion Serge did say how he put and took out the entities after a spectator stood up and yelled out 'How did you do that' ((It was about five years ago)) but Serge went on to say how the entities are just dis incarnated spirits. Basic people like you and me that have chosen for whatever reason not to incarnate. Some times because of great pain in one of their incarnations or other reasons I can't remember.

Serge said the entities think they are all powerful and can do what they like, Especially the higher level ones. By giving them the experience that they can be taken out of the person possessed they get a healing or some king of humbling lesson, and it is supposed to be a good thing. He apparently asks their permission to be let in. From what I know, there is supposed a whole petty shit fight thing going on in the spirit world/Astral plane for positions of power from level one entities right up to the lords of form. Who are also just like us but have NEVER incarnated in human form. The LOF apparently know their number will be up one day but they hang on to the power and glory they get from keeping 9 billion so souls in illusion

The most convincing entity sessions I witnessed was not like the pairing up. It was two separate times with a bout 6 different people. It was a fair while ago but I remember Serge would select a volunteer from the audience (joking one time about how the person was coached on what to say). Serge would stand at the back of the room while the person sat or stood on the stage. He would then ask the person questions like 'what do you think of when you think of the word Love?"

There was a 8-10 year old young girl this time and she answered Mom, Dad, happy, friends, etc.. After several other questions, he would then stop take a moment and announce the entity had entered. You could see the girl become fidgety and distracted with a mischievous grin on her face and Serge would ask the same question 'what do you think of when you think of the word Love?" the first word that came out of her mouth was pain, I cant remember it all in detail but all the words meanings were turned upside down after the entity was reportedly in. I saw grown men speak and express clearly before the possession and during the possession be lost for words and in tears because they simply said they could not feel/express the meaning of the word/s. Serge goes on to say we should not fear entities because they are just like you and me and cannot make us do anything without our permission. They are just lost and on the same path back to God like the rest of us.

Sayings like 'He wasn't himself', I don't know what came over him', 'I've never seen him like that before', ;He was beside himself', are all said to be example of when a person has allowed possession
June 14, 2012 07:59AM


(Corboy) If in UM, for how long? in another post you mention having known Serge 'about 9 years'.

**So...having known SB for about 9 years is Gibbs still "a basic person like you and me?"

If as presented in the story, G actually believes his or her resolution of a problem drinking behavior was linked to a subjective and personal interpretation of SB's theatrical presentation of entity work, that might, just might be a powerful tie of loyalty.

For many who attribute their own healings to SB will have reason to fear this skeptical discussion. They may well fear resuming their illnesses if we arouse their doubts about the man they believe to have been their healer to whom they believe they owe their lives..

The stories told by G could have an effect of instilling fear in any UM persons who are having doubts about SB, and his heavy demands on them, the fatigue of following the diet and its changes, then fear after reading these embedded stories, that they will relapse or fall ill if they dare have doubts or leave UM.

Hence my citizen's skepticism. We skeptics outside of UM can read G's material without ill effect.

UM people struggling with doubt might read this same material and feel an upsurge of fear about what might befall them if they dare have doubts about the Great Man.

Serge has no special powers.

He'd be knocked out by entities for having the presumption to do derivatives of both Bailey and Blavatsky, both of whom claimed to have special privileged access to entities

Finally the quoted material offered by Gibbs mentions

Minor Children at UM Events?


There was a 8-10 year old young girl this time and she answered Mom, Dad, happy, friends, etc..

If any of you have children and are being dumped by UM spouses, you may have to decide if you want your children if still minors, to be taken to SB events as described by Gibbs in the quoted material.

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