Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: treefern ()
Date: September 17, 2012 02:34PM

At last we have it....VenusDarkly a godsend!

The story from Serge and his minions for quite some months now has been one of a 'handful of abuseive men and one (angry) woman dying of cancer has had it 'in for Serge'. Serge it would seem that the truth is outing and some highly educated and well informed human beings are making a stand to not only tell the truth but also stand up for what is right and fully inform the UMers. Information is Power.

Thank you VD your story it is the same one I have heard numerous times from women with some still inside the Cult-of-the-mind Universal Medicine. Unfortunately the women still 'inside' do not have the same strength you posess to both remove yourself or publicy denounce Serge, hopefully this too will change.

I would like to add here that if any UMer works in the field where mandatory reporting of issues regarding child safety is concerned and you have thus far made excuses for or choosen to ignore the issue of child safety by keeping quiet about it, you too will in time be 'outed'.

By the way and for the record, the men are far from 'abusive' and are without a doubt the most 'loving' of men to work so hard to save their wives and families from the Dark Lord and the woman whilst a tad angry at the underhanded way in which her husband was used by a female member of UM for her own end, is NOT dying!

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: VenusDarkly ()
Date: September 17, 2012 04:53PM

Again, this may be just coincidence.

When I first posted the material on calorie restriction research done by Ancel Keyes and the descriptions of how people think and behave on calorie restricted diets, no discussion followed.

An interloper showed up and skewed the discussion away from the topic.

An analysis of the diet actually followed by devotees of UM is the only way to find out whether that type of diet is in fact, calorie restricted - or not.

The Keyes experimental subjects were very severely food restricted...


Cognitive changes

The volunteers reported impaired concentration, alertness, comprehension and judgement during semi-starvation. This improved after re-feeding.



Physical changesAs the six months of semi-starvation progressed, the volunteers exhibited many physicalchanges including: gastrointestinal discomfort, decreased need for sleep, dizziness, headaches,hypersensitivity to noise and light, reduced strength, oedema (fluid retention), hair loss,decreased tolerance of cold temperatures (cold hands and feet) and parasthesia (abnormaltingling or prickling sensations, especially in the hands and feet). There was an overall decreasein metabolism (decreased body temperature, heart rate and respiration)

IF any of UM devotees are feeling such pricking or tinging sensations, these could easily be interpreted as energy surges.

When in fact, these parasthesias can be caused by many thing, not only semistarvatin, but even low blood sugar or low blood pressure...

I've seen these symptoms first hand in vegetarians and vegans who weren't making sure they were meeting their nutritional requirements. In fact, 3 women I know recently abandoned their long term veganism or vegetarianism because they were so ill. One was showing the symptoms of multiple sclerosis - constant paraesthesia (tingling and numbness down both arms) and visual disturbance - as well as severe anxiety, sleep disturbance and palpitations. She went through a terrifying diagnostic process with a neurologist and thankfully tested negative. All of the symptoms disappeared when she started eating meat. Another had anxiety, mood swings and immune deficiency, and another had mood disturbance and long term infertility. I went through the diets of all three and found none of them were meeting their daily protein requirements, not by a long shot.

The other thing I'll add about malnutrition, semi starvation and hypoglycaemia, is that they decrease (or kill) libido. And Serge is always preaching about the evil baseness of sex.

Sum total of the malnutrition program is to weaken followers to inhibit their brain function/critical faculties, weaken them physically to keep the docile and prevent assertiveness, and kill off libido as part of the plan to break up relationships and have followers conform to Serge's puritanical and prohibitive sexual standards.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: VenusDarkly ()
Date: September 17, 2012 05:45PM

COncerned Partner
From a recent email to the students:

Please understand that the volunteers are doing an amazing amount of work behind the scenes to read, allocate, proof read and post your submissions.
In some cases the submissions we receive have a lot of great themes but require further clarity for those themes to be clearly communicated. If you are not a confident writer there are people who can help you with the process.

So, we are not talking about a free exchange of ideas based on what the 'student' feels but a carefully crafted release of edited material onto the blogs, which probably accounts in part for their similarities.

Welcome to Uncle Serge's propaganda machine. Unpaid workers 'doing an amazing amount of work' relentlessly disseminating positive testimony so that a google search for Universal Medicine only brings up his numerous sites, and drowns out dissenting material.

I'd submit my testimony if I thought they'd post it without their brand of 'clarity' and their oh so subtle 'help' with 'the process'. And if I could stand having my Inbox Spammed into oblivion by UniMed apologist's 'love and consideration'.

Since when do 'love and consideration' need such a hard sell?

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: VenusDarkly ()
Date: September 17, 2012 07:33PM

Thank you VD your story it is the same one I have heard numerous times from women with some still inside the Cult-of-the-mind Universal Medicine. Unfortunately the women still 'inside' do not have the same strength you posess to both remove yourself or publicy denounce Serge, hopefully this too will change.

I would like to add here that if any UMer works in the field where mandatory reporting of issues regarding child safety is concerned and you have thus far made excuses for or choosen to ignore the issue of child safety by keeping quiet about it, you too will in time be 'outed'.

By the way and for the record, the men are far from 'abusive' and are without a doubt the most 'loving' of men to work so hard to save their wives and families from the Dark Lord and the woman whilst a tad angry at the underhanded way in which her husband was used by a female member of UM for her own end, is NOT dying!

Thank you Treefern and well said!

No none of us angry loveless pranic cases are profitting from contributing here, urging accountability from Serge's medical professionals and working to help salvage followers before they're damned by Serge's corruption. I'm incensed that medical professionals are contributing to this harm. For instance, the doctor who apparently advises on the Esoteric Tit Groping. For pity's sake, the breast consists of glandular and adipose tissue that reacts throughout the menstrual cycle to hormonal fluctuations - in other words massaging it is an insane waste of time with no discernible benefits. It's a therapeutic piss take that has retraumatized at least the one woman brave enough to speak out about it, and at least financially fleeced the others. A doctor is presiding over this??? Oh hang on, she can rely on maintaining a clientele through her connection with this fraudster. Just like all his other professional apologists. I should send each of them a gift wrapped copy of Robert Jay Lifton's study of the Nazi doctors.

I'll calm down now. Apparently, according to Uncle Serge, it's unfeminine to get angry, even when confronting abuse and lies, and even when the abuse wrecks health, relationships & families and harms children.

Pass the Kool Aid.


I've read a number of your wonderful, heartfelt posts, Treefern, and was moved and concerned for your family. I'm so glad the man you love is returning to health. He'll never regret getting out, I promise, and both your accounts of his experience woke me up to the extent of the harm UM is doing. And I've had a platonic crush on you since you cited Orwell when talking about SB.

I'm very happy to add another woman's voice to this site. I do hope more women feel supported enough to come forward and talk to us.

Hey, and pity about my intials! Oops. Should have thought about that. I blame Serge for scrambling my brain. :-P


Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: John lazuras ()
Date: September 17, 2012 10:46PM

Hi All,

A Registered Psychologist who works from and for the Universal Medicine Clinic at Goonellabah has made some comments on the “Truth about Universal Medicine” web site.

I am not too sure where he gets his information from about UM but I need to share my experience with UM here.

His comments are in black bold:

In recent weeks, there have been a number of articles written by the media stating that Universal Medicine may be a cult organisation. However, these articles have not provided any evidence to this claim, and obvious facts about Universal Medicine have not been published. The intention of this article is to outline the true facts about Universal Medicine. In doing so, the reader will have an opportunity to be more informed in making up his or her own mind.

The facts about Universal Medicine are:
• All Universal Medicine events are publicly open to all, and there is no prequalification to attend entry-level events of any kind.

– Wrong to attend a UM EDG / EWG meeting you must be approved by the Practioner that is running the area. No one can attend and the followers are discouraged in bringing anyone along that has not been “approved” to attend.

Also for next year’s retreat when a follower books in, UM is asking who their Practioner is so they can check if the person is authorised to attend.

There are no recruitment methods used by Universal Medicine. This is in contrast to cults, as world-renowned cult-expert Dr Margaret Thaler Singer states ‘contrary to the myth that those who join cults are seekers, it is the cults that go out and actively and aggressively find followers’ (Singer, 1995, p. XXIII).

– Wrong UM has a very good recruitment system in place to get the followers into the cult.
1. The use of Chris James as a recruitment specialist – this guy promotes singing but he is a major recruiter of UM he gets you in thinking you are learning how to sing and use your voice but this guy takes you into UM.
2. The use of various practioners around the country – the followers go to these practioners for “counselling for some problem” and after time the practioners introduce the followers to the dangerous beliefs and teachings of UM ….these people introduce the followers to the next step of attending EDG, EWG, retreats, charak puncture.
3. The constant bombarding of emails from UM and Chris James to the students email accounts advising them about UM.
4. The constant need in attending monthly visits to the clinics, monthly EDG and EWG meetings,

People who attend Universal Medicine events are clearly informed of what the organisation is that they are becoming involved with. For example, extensive information can be gained from the public website, which states key messages presented by Universal Medicine. Instead, cults typically use deceptive recruiting methods and often exhibit secret stages within the organisation (Singer, 1995).

– Wrong - when my partner attended the practioner it was not about all the way out their teachings of UM and Serge. She attend to fill a void in her life that I believe the practioner gained her trust in exposing this void and then introduced her to the evil / bad / teachings of UM when she was at a very vulnerable point in her life . The website only shows the basic information that UM want the public to know, get a sign in as a student to the UM web site and look into the students areas on the web site and you will see the dangerous teaching and beliefs of this group.

People are free to attend none, some or all of the events presented by Universal Medicine. To attend an event, each person is required to individually register for every event they wish to attend. For example, some people attend only the Friday evening lectures, held once per month, at $5 per person. In contrast, cults have an expectation if not a requirement that attendees at cult events become members of the cult (Singer, 1995; Singer, 1996).

– Wrong it is stated that if a student do not attend the various courses / sing a longs/ EDG – EWG/ Chris James concerts then they are not “into the livingness of the Esoteric way” to the point the UM get rather annoyed that the students are not attending the UM events.

There are no recurring fees or memberships at Universal Medicine.

- Wrong to get a log in you have to sign up as a member and pay a fee through pay pal. Then there are the constant charges for EDG – EWG meetings and the constant money paid out on a regular basis for sessions at the practioners.

People are free to leave an event at any time. For example, the events are held in public rented venues and the entrance door remains unlocked at all times. Events are not held in communes, and Universal Medicine publicly announces that any attendee can obtain a full refund and exit the premises at any time without penalty of any kind.

Wrong – to work as a cult events do not need to be held in communes (though I would suggest the yearly retreat is like a commune meeting). Also the various Chris James retreats are usually held in a place away from the general public.

There are no rituals, no mantras, and no exceptional practices.

Wrong - I will leave this to CP to address.

Universal Medicine publicly advocates freedom of choice. For example, people are encouraged to make up their own minds with regards to their chosen religion and political views, as well as whether they accept or reject some or all of what Universal Medicine presents.

Wrong – Serge does not like the Catholic Church along with many other religions and constantly bags them to the followers. My partner stoped our children from getting their confirmation as she stated the Church is evil as she had learnt from Serges teachings about the church.

People attending Universal Medicine events are free to choose their friends and family associations (including their selection of a partner or spouse). There is no restriction of access to information in relation to television, radio, telephone, mail or reading material. This is in contrast to cults which typically isolate their members from their loved ones, and from society in general (Singer, 1995; Singer, 1996).

Wrong – UMers socialise with mainly other UM followers – as it is stated that they are in the “livingness” and the “brotherhood” and they are encourage to have only UMers as friends as they are living a better life than those that are not practising UM.

Universal Medicine does not tell people what to eat or wear or where to work, sleep or bathe. Universal Medicine presents the importance of regular exercise and a sleep rhythm that honours the body’s natural rhythms. This is in contrast to cults that rarely encourage members to maintain good health practices or fitness (Singer, 1995). For example, Universal Medicine presents that the body functions well with an earlier bedtime (e.g. 9 or 10pm) and an earlier rise time, rather than doing things at night when we are tired. However, no bedtime is prescribed. Similarly with food, Universal Medicine presents the importance of discerning for oneself what food is right for you. Universal Medicine openly states that the food that one person eats will not necessarily be right for another. It is up to each person to feel this for themselves. If a person decides to make dietary changes, the main changes may include ceasing consumption of alcohol, gluten, and/or dairy. Alcohol has been well researched and scientifically documented as a chemical poison to the human body. There are also large numbers of people worldwide who do not eat gluten or dairy, as evidenced by the many restaurants that include gluten and/or dairy free meals in their menus.

Wrong – UM have classified the majority of foods into various foods groups and have a rating for the foods and followers are told at the retreats and from practioners what they should eat and what they should not. If they eat certain foods they are ‘comfort eating” ….”What emotions are happening” …they are made to feel guilty if they eat a food source that has not been approved by UM.
They are told that the best sleep is between 9.00 pm and 3.00 am and followers are told this is when they should sleep.

• Universal Medicine publically encourages medical treatment. For example, many people who attend events are themselves medical and allied health professionals. The Practitioners Committee of the Esoteric Practitioners Association consists mainly of medically-trained professionals, such as General Practitioners, Dentists, and Surgeons. This is in contrast to cults which typically discourage or forbid medical treatment (Singer, 1995).

Wrong – when a UMer is sick they will try and clear the sickness by having charka puncture, a healing session with the practioner who will try and rid the bad energy from the body, they will sit on healing cards, burn candles to rid the bad energy and after all this fails they then reluctantly go off to a Doctor for treatment.
This is one of my biggest problems as by the time the followers does this by the time they go to the Doctor for treatment the sickness has got worse. Read the Medical Observer story on “Jenny” who was getting Esoteric treatments and told her condition was improving then she found out she had cancer.

My Summary:

We have seen the various readings on the student blogs all being positive about UM and Serge and here we see someone like this person defend the UM teachings and beliefs. All we see is a positive spin on the organisation but yet no one from UM will write publically about the very negative teachings and beliefs of UM.

I have unfortunately listened to a EWG meeting and read various notes from these meetings and I do not understand how at these meetings Serge and a young Natalie a person with little life experience or no formal education can talk so disrespectfully about women in general. E.g. - the use of tampons (wearing a tampon is like a dirty man’s penis inside you).

I do not understand where topics like this find their way into what is supposed to be a loving and caring organisation. I have known UM practioners who are mainly unqualified followers (they only have Esoteric Practioner Training) advise people on numerous concerns:
1. Marriage problems
2. Work problems
3. Health issues
4. Diets
5. Children issues
6. Past traumas in one’s life
7. Relationship issues

The majority of practioners are not qualified to give advice on the above issues yet day in and day out they are and in many cases giving the wrong information to people that has a major effect on a person’s life.

Any finally I have read notes from the yearly retreats that the faithful take down word for word over the 5 days and let me say the Retreats are very manipulative and dangerous to the followers. They get them in a very loving environment, make them feel all warm and fuzzy and then fill their heads with a whole lot of pure crap about the perils of life. At this year’s retreat Serge spoke about if your partner is not with you on Esoteric beliefs what you need to do, what will be the consequences when you leave the relationship (e.g. family intervention) and what you as a student need to do to get on with your life………………..and yes Brendan at UM I have a copy of these writings stating this and much more……. contradicting to your spin on events.

UM a loving organisation and supportive of families I do not think so … you are involved in a very dangerous cult ….take your skills and your reputation and go and practice elsewhere away from UM where you can be of a real benefit to society.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: September 17, 2012 11:17PM

Concerning Breast Massage

Friends..some interesting stuff about body chemistry here. Esoteric Breast Massage is not just for laughs. It may foster emotional bonding with the masseuse and possibly with the the maternal face of Mona Lisa if that image is prominent in the treatment room and any other UM symbols lying about. .

Breast massage and nipple stimulation, whether by a nursing baby or via massage, from oneself or from another person, appears to release two hormones.

Oxytocin which fosters bonding with ones baby

Prolactin which stimulates milk production but that can inhibit libido and lead to lack of interest in sex with ones partner.


Someone needs to interview some Obstetricians/Gynaecologists and ask them about this.

Meanwhile, here are some citations from google, that at the very least, are suggestive.

Breast and nipple stimulation release the hormone oxytocin.

Wanna get an idea of how oxytocin makes us feel?

See a kitten or puppy and recall how you went all gooey inside.


Oxytocin in turn promotes emotional bonding women are, being given breast massage. This may be causing the subjects of this massage to get hits of thier own oxytocin and with all the symbols of UM in the room, that mother like face of Mona Lisa prominently displayed... this may foster an intense bond, first to the masseuse and then, by extension whoever the masseuse is loyal to, such as the Master who taught the masseuse this marvellous technique.

Breast and Nipple Massage oxytocin


oxytocin. emotional bonding


Search results -citations

Breast Nipples, Oxytocin



Stimulation of nipples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaDuring the stimulation of the nipples, large amounts of oxytocin are released,
which would normally prepare the breast for breastfeeding. Besides creating ... - 65k - Cached - Similar pages

Oxytocin: breast, nipple, areola and orgasm « Hypericum's – HBC ...May 29, 2008 ... Oxytocin: breast, nipple, areola and orgasm. Oxytocin_100x200 The male or
female breast/nipple/areola complex arises from a common ... - 51k - Cached - Similar pages

Oxytocin: bringing magic into nipple aspirationSep 4, 2007 ... Nipple fluid, that contains breast epithelial cells, is produced in the breast ...
Oxytocin-supported nipple aspiration provides a valuable tool for ... - Similar pages

Understanding Oxytocin and Bonding by DrJimThis illustrates how the breasts and uterus are intimately connected in their
function. Nipple stimulation causes Oxytocin release. Clitoral stimulation also
causes ... - 38k - Cached - Similar pages

Oxytocin : the cuddle hormoneBut a Binghamton researcher's work is suggesting that oxytocin, sometimes
known as ... and allows the breasts to "let down" milk in pregnant and lactating
women. ... would stimulate the nipples and cause the brain to release its own
oxytocin, ... - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

How Breast Milk is ProducedHow breast milk is produced and anatomy of the breast. ... Breastfeeding success
has nothing to do with the size of your breasts or nipples. ... areola, which signal
the pituitary gland in the brain to release two hormones, prolactin and oxytocin. - 32k - Cached - Similar pages

The potential for oxytocin (OT) to prevent breast cancer: a hypothesis.This hypothesis proposes that carcinogens in the breast are generated by the ...
The regular production of oxytocin (OT) from nipple stimulation would cause ... - Similar pages

Successful oxytocin-assisted nipple aspiration in women at ...Successful oxytocin-assisted nipple aspiration in women at increased risk for
breast cancer. Suijkerbuijk KP, van der Wall E, Meijrink H, Pan X, Borel Rinkes IH
, ... - Similar pages

The use of oxytocin in nipple fluid aspiration.Breast J. 2003 Jul-Aug;9(4):266-8. The use of oxytocin in nipple fluid aspiration.
Zhang L ... It has been shown that early detection of breast cancer saves lives. - Similar pages

About Oxytocin | Psych CentralJul 6, 2012 ... Oxytocin (Greek, quick birth) is a mammalian hormone that also acts as a ... after
stimulation of the nipples, facilitating birth and breastfeeding, respectively. ....
blind trial of oxytocin nasal spray in mothers expressing breast milk ... - 72k - Cached - Similar pages

oxytocin. emotional bonding



HowStuffWorks "How Love Works"Feb 12, 2005 ... When it is released during orgasm, it begins creating an emotional bond -- the
more sex, the greater the bond. Oxytocin is also associated with ... - 106k - Cached - Similar pages

Oxytocin hormone promotes bondingFeb 11, 2008 ... Oxytocin is a brain chemical associated with pair bonding, including ... that plays
a primary role in the processing of important emotional stimuli. - 58k - Cached - Similar pages

The Big 'O' Isn't Orgasm | ReunitingJun 23, 2005 ... However, research suggests that this five-minute surge of oxytocin may have little
to do with emotional bonding, and more to do with inducing ... - 41k - Cached - Similar pages

Oxytocin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaOxytocin is best known for its roles in sexual reproduction, in particular during .....
This possibly plays a role in the emotional bonding between humans and dogs. - 383k - Cached - Similar pages

Human bonding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThis bond is characterized by emotions such as affection and trust. Any two .... It
is generally understood that maternal oxytocin circulation can predispose some ... - 88k - Cached - Similar pages

The Love Drug: Oxytocin and its implications to social interaction ...Apr 22, 2010 ... Oxytocin also acts as a reinforcing agent to ensure that mothers have a vested
interest (in the form of an intense emotional bond) in caring for ... - 53k - Cached - Similar pages

Men, Woman, and the Dance of PolarityTo many women, men seem incapable of giving them the emotional support and
... During sex the increase in oxytocin causes a woman to bond intensely with ... - 16k - Cached - Similar pages

Oxytocin, chemical addiction and the science of loveWhen prairie voles have sex, two hormones called oxytocin and vasopressin are
... in other monogamous animals, humans included, to regulate pair-bonding in ...
active in love are different from the areas activated in other emotional states, ... - 22k - Cached - Similar pages

Oxytocin : the hormone of loveJul 14, 1999 ... "Our study indicates that oxytocin may be mediating emotional ... of offspring in
sheep, and the formation of adult pair-bonds in prairie voles. - 10k - Cached - Similar pages

Understanding Oxytocin and Bonding by DrJim

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: September 17, 2012 11:26PM

"Oxytocin levels go up whenever a person undergoes a good massage"



The two main hormones of lactation in humans are prolactin (from the Greek “to urge on”), which plays a wide range of physiological roles in many different animals, and oxytocin (Greek for “swift birth”), which is unique to mammals and plays a key role in initiating delivery.

Oxytocin is also involved, writes Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, in “the rush of warm sensations that suffuse a mother when she breastfeeds, the tapering off of inhibitions as two mammals sit companionably side by side, or groom each other, or when longtime mates nuzzle or rub each other.

Oxytocin levels go up whenever a person undergoes a good massage.

When a woman breastfeeds, the baby’s sucking stimulates nerves in her nipple. These nerves carry a message to the mother’s brain and oxytocin is released. “It signals to the brain,” explains Sharon Donovan, Professor of Nutrition and Pediatrics at the University of Illinois, “‘OK, I need the milk down here now.’” Oxytocin is then released by the pituitary gland and flows through the bloodstream to the breasts, where it causes specialized cells surrounding the tiny sac-like alveoli to squeeze milk out and into the milk ducts.

So powerful, in fact, is the link between oxytocin and milk production that its influence can be triggered by emotions, conscious thought, or even sensory experience. “A mother could be having loving feelings about her baby, or she could be thinking about her baby or she could hear her baby cry, and she’ll have milk let-down, because these stimuli can cause oxytocin to be released,” explains Chopra.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: MacReady ()
Date: September 18, 2012 04:18AM

Interesting research regarding the breat massage, Corboy. Thank you.

Regarding Brendan Mooney's testimony, I wonder if he would be willing to stand before a panel consisting of cult experts and peers from his chosen profession and repeat his claim that UM is 'the antithesis if a cult'

The catch being that the panel would each have a copy of the UM 'Initiation' document, plus unrestricted access to Serge's audio downloads and books.

Frankly, at this point I think that any medical professional defending UM in such a deceptive manner is an accessory to Serge's cultish brainwashing and lies. As such they should be investigated by the appropriate bodies and where necessary, have their licenses terminated.

Re: Universal medicine
Date: September 18, 2012 04:58AM

John lazuras
Hi All,

A Registered Psychologist who works from and for the Universal Medicine Clinic at Goonellabah has made some comments on the “Truth about Universal Medicine” web site.

I am not too sure where he gets his information from about UM but I need to share my experience with UM here.

His comments are in black bold:

In recent weeks, there have been a number of articles written by the media stating that Universal Medicine may be a cult organisation. However, these articles have not provided any evidence to this claim, and obvious facts about Universal Medicine have not been published. The intention of this article is to outline the true facts about Universal Medicine. In doing so, the reader will have an opportunity to be more informed in making up his or her own mind.

The facts about Universal Medicine are:
• All Universal Medicine events are publicly open to all, and there is no prequalification to attend entry-level events of any kind.

– Wrong to attend a UM EDG / EWG meeting you must be approved by the Practioner that is running the area. No one can attend and the followers are discouraged in bringing anyone along that has not been “approved” to attend.

Also for next year’s retreat when a follower books in, UM is asking who their Practioner is so they can check if the person is authorised to attend.

There are no recruitment methods used by Universal Medicine. This is in contrast to cults, as world-renowned cult-expert Dr Margaret Thaler Singer states ‘contrary to the myth that those who join cults are seekers, it is the cults that go out and actively and aggressively find followers’ (Singer, 1995, p. XXIII).

– Wrong UM has a very good recruitment system in place to get the followers into the cult.
1. The use of Chris James as a recruitment specialist – this guy promotes singing but he is a major recruiter of UM he gets you in thinking you are learning how to sing and use your voice but this guy takes you into UM.
2. The use of various practioners around the country – the followers go to these practioners for “counselling for some problem” and after time the practioners introduce the followers to the dangerous beliefs and teachings of UM ….these people introduce the followers to the next step of attending EDG, EWG, retreats, charak puncture.
3. The constant bombarding of emails from UM and Chris James to the students email accounts advising them about UM.
4. The constant need in attending monthly visits to the clinics, monthly EDG and EWG meetings,

People who attend Universal Medicine events are clearly informed of what the organisation is that they are becoming involved with. For example, extensive information can be gained from the public website, which states key messages presented by Universal Medicine. Instead, cults typically use deceptive recruiting methods and often exhibit secret stages within the organisation (Singer, 1995).

– Wrong - when my partner attended the practioner it was not about all the way out their teachings of UM and Serge. She attend to fill a void in her life that I believe the practioner gained her trust in exposing this void and then introduced her to the evil / bad / teachings of UM when she was at a very vulnerable point in her life . The website only shows the basic information that UM want the public to know, get a sign in as a student to the UM web site and look into the students areas on the web site and you will see the dangerous teaching and beliefs of this group.

People are free to attend none, some or all of the events presented by Universal Medicine. To attend an event, each person is required to individually register for every event they wish to attend. For example, some people attend only the Friday evening lectures, held once per month, at $5 per person. In contrast, cults have an expectation if not a requirement that attendees at cult events become members of the cult (Singer, 1995; Singer, 1996).

– Wrong it is stated that if a student do not attend the various courses / sing a longs/ EDG – EWG/ Chris James concerts then they are not “into the livingness of the Esoteric way” to the point the UM get rather annoyed that the students are not attending the UM events.

There are no recurring fees or memberships at Universal Medicine.

- Wrong to get a log in you have to sign up as a member and pay a fee through pay pal. Then there are the constant charges for EDG – EWG meetings and the constant money paid out on a regular basis for sessions at the practioners.

People are free to leave an event at any time. For example, the events are held in public rented venues and the entrance door remains unlocked at all times. Events are not held in communes, and Universal Medicine publicly announces that any attendee can obtain a full refund and exit the premises at any time without penalty of any kind.

Wrong – to work as a cult events do not need to be held in communes (though I would suggest the yearly retreat is like a commune meeting). Also the various Chris James retreats are usually held in a place away from the general public.

There are no rituals, no mantras, and no exceptional practices.

Wrong - I will leave this to CP to address.

Universal Medicine publicly advocates freedom of choice. For example, people are encouraged to make up their own minds with regards to their chosen religion and political views, as well as whether they accept or reject some or all of what Universal Medicine presents.

Wrong – Serge does not like the Catholic Church along with many other religions and constantly bags them to the followers. My partner stoped our children from getting their confirmation as she stated the Church is evil as she had learnt from Serges teachings about the church.

People attending Universal Medicine events are free to choose their friends and family associations (including their selection of a partner or spouse). There is no restriction of access to information in relation to television, radio, telephone, mail or reading material. This is in contrast to cults which typically isolate their members from their loved ones, and from society in general (Singer, 1995; Singer, 1996).

Wrong – UMers socialise with mainly other UM followers – as it is stated that they are in the “livingness” and the “brotherhood” and they are encourage to have only UMers as friends as they are living a better life than those that are not practising UM.

Universal Medicine does not tell people what to eat or wear or where to work, sleep or bathe. Universal Medicine presents the importance of regular exercise and a sleep rhythm that honours the body’s natural rhythms. This is in contrast to cults that rarely encourage members to maintain good health practices or fitness (Singer, 1995). For example, Universal Medicine presents that the body functions well with an earlier bedtime (e.g. 9 or 10pm) and an earlier rise time, rather than doing things at night when we are tired. However, no bedtime is prescribed. Similarly with food, Universal Medicine presents the importance of discerning for oneself what food is right for you. Universal Medicine openly states that the food that one person eats will not necessarily be right for another. It is up to each person to feel this for themselves. If a person decides to make dietary changes, the main changes may include ceasing consumption of alcohol, gluten, and/or dairy. Alcohol has been well researched and scientifically documented as a chemical poison to the human body. There are also large numbers of people worldwide who do not eat gluten or dairy, as evidenced by the many restaurants that include gluten and/or dairy free meals in their menus.

Wrong – UM have classified the majority of foods into various foods groups and have a rating for the foods and followers are told at the retreats and from practioners what they should eat and what they should not. If they eat certain foods they are ‘comfort eating” ….”What emotions are happening” …they are made to feel guilty if they eat a food source that has not been approved by UM.
They are told that the best sleep is between 9.00 pm and 3.00 am and followers are told this is when they should sleep.

• Universal Medicine publically encourages medical treatment. For example, many people who attend events are themselves medical and allied health professionals. The Practitioners Committee of the Esoteric Practitioners Association consists mainly of medically-trained professionals, such as General Practitioners, Dentists, and Surgeons. This is in contrast to cults which typically discourage or forbid medical treatment (Singer, 1995).

Wrong – when a UMer is sick they will try and clear the sickness by having charka puncture, a healing session with the practioner who will try and rid the bad energy from the body, they will sit on healing cards, burn candles to rid the bad energy and after all this fails they then reluctantly go off to a Doctor for treatment.
This is one of my biggest problems as by the time the followers does this by the time they go to the Doctor for treatment the sickness has got worse. Read the Medical Observer story on “Jenny” who was getting Esoteric treatments and told her condition was improving then she found out she had cancer.

My Summary:

We have seen the various readings on the student blogs all being positive about UM and Serge and here we see someone like this person defend the UM teachings and beliefs. All we see is a positive spin on the organisation but yet no one from UM will write publically about the very negative teachings and beliefs of UM.

I have unfortunately listened to a EWG meeting and read various notes from these meetings and I do not understand how at these meetings Serge and a young Natalie a person with little life experience or no formal education can talk so disrespectfully about women in general. E.g. - the use of tampons (wearing a tampon is like a dirty man’s penis inside you).

I do not understand where topics like this find their way into what is supposed to be a loving and caring organisation. I have known UM practioners who are mainly unqualified followers (they only have Esoteric Practioner Training) advise people on numerous concerns:
1. Marriage problems
2. Work problems
3. Health issues
4. Diets
5. Children issues
6. Past traumas in one’s life
7. Relationship issues

The majority of practioners are not qualified to give advice on the above issues yet day in and day out they are and in many cases giving the wrong information to people that has a major effect on a person’s life.

Any finally I have read notes from the yearly retreats that the faithful take down word for word over the 5 days and let me say the Retreats are very manipulative and dangerous to the followers. They get them in a very loving environment, make them feel all warm and fuzzy and then fill their heads with a whole lot of pure crap about the perils of life. At this year’s retreat Serge spoke about if your partner is not with you on Esoteric beliefs what you need to do, what will be the consequences when you leave the relationship (e.g. family intervention) and what you as a student need to do to get on with your life………………..and yes Brendan at UM I have a copy of these writings stating this and much more……. contradicting to your spin on events.

UM a loving organisation and supportive of families I do not think so … you are involved in a very dangerous cult ….take your skills and your reputation and go and practice elsewhere away from UM where you can be of a real benefit to society.

Hi John,

Well observed. I don't think you could expect less from a psychologist who works at the clinic and believes all of Serge's ramblings. I think that she also would believe that UM is not a cult, just like the majority of the followers who turn their noses up and look disgusted at the mere mention of the word.

It is interesting that Caroline uses Margaret Singer to back up her story, without any circumspection at all. Clearly this is not a psychologist you want to see. She is totally unaware or a total liar. I will give her the benefit of the doubt and call it the former for now.

As you rightly point out, all of the points are manifestly untrue. Probably the biggest [self] deception they are indulging is the nature of UM, which at its core is OCCULT teachings. True to the nature of UM, they preach one thing and do another. While they speak of non-separation, the whole doctrine lends itself to being the total antithesis. How can it not when they believe that they are a 'soul group' who have found their way 'back to the work' and presumably each other; with a narrative of having lived in different times in history together, and may I add, generally under persecution from the 'ignorant' (that you and I now JL)

All of this is contained in Serge's 'books' and available on his recordings, so the fact they wont speak about it or admit to is very curious. All of their PR activity has been about trying to normalize the group, I think to the public at large and themselves. Try and get one of the members to admit what they really believe; nigh on impossible. They will just start babbling on about healthy choices and being more loving to themselves in some sort of somatic self deluded justification for the actual fact that they are stuck in a quagmire of extreme beliefs and practices. Which brings me to the part you called me on...

Yes, they most certainly do have special practices, rituals and even mantra's of a type. We all know that they practice livingness ( or try to as it is meaningless attempt to quell emotions and critical thinking), walking a certain way, not lifting weights, exercising vigorously, making love a certain way ( or not at all) eating certain foods, listening to certain music...etc etc. ( Caroline Rafael, these are known as practices love. Please take that certificate off the wall!) We all aware of the rituals of burning candles on blobs to clear the energy, rubbing in an anti clockwise motion, impressing energy correctly ( when you go to bed, get up, fart, etc)
Recently, Serge gave them all their 'word' - a sort of mantra for them to contemplate. They also memorize his pithy 'sayings' to 'clear' [ auto-indoctrinate] themselves, which is one purpose of a mantra.
Unfortunately, Caroline is totally incorrect and clearly needs to have a look at her powers of perception.

I think underlining her response, besides not being aware of herself, is this idea that the members and the public have of a cult. They imagine it is a compound or a commune with shaved heads, wild eyes, robes, strange music ( well, that certainly exists) with people outside luring in unsuspecting recruits. This is very simplistic. A cult generally does not behave like that. Most cults ( Google them UM'ers and esp. Caroline) have members in the world doing what they always do, but with a new world view. The walls, as such, are in their minds in the way of a 'choice' which they self enforce. The design of the walls is given to them by the group or the leader- usually as a so called choice ( or as UM calls it 'presentation')

UM has it all; The 'choices', the controls, the music, the group ( which they freely admit they belong to which you have to say a tad usual for an 'alternative healing organization') a leader, a confused doctrine, predictions, exclusivity, control of social environments recruitment ( schools, women's groups, Chris offkey James, practitioners dotted across the country proselyting- that's why it has gained momentum of late Caroline), a focus on making money ( yep even Sergey boy admits to it even if he conveniently cant add up) and on it goes.

It takes an outsider a while to realise it is a cult, so for a member it might take a lifetime. For someone sitting 4 feet from the crazy man himself, I think you are in for the long, long haul.

And remember Serge, Caroline and co, what use is their denying something you have written down, notarized and recorded? as JL says, he has the notes from last years retreats. We, and others, have the notes too.

thanks for post JL.

Re: Universal medicine
Date: September 18, 2012 06:07AM

My apologies to Caroline as the author of the blog. I only just googled and found the blog. The defense was written by someone else who also needs to check their credentials.

One by Brendan Mooney, Registered Psychologist BPsySci (Hons) AmusA


Oh Dear, what can you say about this nonsense and lack of self awareness? It is certainly not an advertisement to use his services is it? ( remember Brendan, the vast majority of your customers are not in the cult)

I would like to point out to all psychologists, doctors, lawyers and those that think their professional status lends credibility to UM that this is totally irrelevant. These people may have a tertiary eduction but they are just as given to cognitive illusions and bias as much as the next person. In fact, there is evidence to suggest more so. Which is why most cults in the world are full of professionals that one assumes might be immune to thought reform. More problematically, these people are much more adept at convincing themselves and others by selective application of their knowledge.

For anyone in the know, Brendan and co, your education is irrelevant to the nature of the group. There is of course an expectation that you might know better, but that is clearly false.

Just for future reference- the cult status of UM is not in question at all to the vast majority of non members, including many other professionals that would outnumber the few involved 100 to 1, plus cult experts, various govt. departments, ex cult member themselves, people who started with UM and stopped when they realized how inappropriate much of it is. A well worded missive on a cult blog does nothing but disguise the truth to themselves.

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