Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: MacReady ()
Date: September 15, 2012 02:10PM

Finally, a UM blog entry that to some degree acknowledges the need students have to keep going back to UM events to maintain the mood created by external stimuli, the '"Serge said" syndrome that's so prevalent among the cult, and how difficult it is for the families of these people to live with an obsessive, devoted Benhayon follower. The author absolves Serge of any responsibility for his teachings, downplaying the fact that his presentations are in fact little more than a series of 'dos and don'ts' (delivered with the assurance that apocalyptic consequences await if you choose not to heed his advice), and paints an all-too-simple 'happy ending' scenario completely at odds with the experiences of many others, but this is still quite revealing:


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/15/2012 02:20PM by MacReady.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: lifetruetome ()
Date: September 15, 2012 04:38PM

Hi MacReady

In that blog about Serge, she says Serge has never told her what to do.... Maybe she hasn't even read Serges books?

I will quote from Serge's book The Way of Initiation pg 552 and 553. (ps I haven't been reading the book, I just picked it up and this was the first thing I saw, the whole book is full of it, pages over and over again) If this doesn't make you do what Serge says then I don't know what would. He brainwashes and scares people into following him so he can make loads of money. He even says that his book doesn't have any prana in it.

"It is about being energetically aware before we embark on something that may end up pranicaly incarcerating us for many many lifetimes to come. Note well that 'pranic incaeration' means that one will have a very heightened spirit with bi-polar tendencies if not the full bi-polar tendences condition."

Just a little scary Serge, full blown bi-polar if you don't follow Serges teachings and lifetimes of it!! It is easy to fall for this if you have been seduced by love and healings first.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: MacReady ()
Date: September 15, 2012 05:53PM

Hi Lifetruetome,

That's right, everyone is free to choose. Serge's irrational, pseudoscientific lifestyle of neurotic, esoteric clap-trap or lifetimes of damnation and suffering. It's all about love, though.

This, I think, is the key point in the previously referenced UM blog entry:

"My husband and children put up with way more than I would have!"

All the people I have spoken to who have lost partners to UM have shown patience and understanding for their loved ones above and beyond the call of duty, yet have still been deserted in favor of Serge's occultnik fantasy vision of Heirarchic ascendancy. We, the 'pranic' great unwashed, are not the ones who have been loveless and 'abusive in our own homes'.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: Eric Dobbs ()
Date: September 15, 2012 06:39PM

Eric Dobbs
Hey Serge , I teach mostly young teenagers and they are mostly females , it was compulsory for me to obtain a "Working With Children Check" before I could commence. My question to you Serge is - Do YOU have one?
Also if I make two points here to do with the longevity of this cult - (1) sex is clearly seen as an invasion of women's bodies by men,plus nobody doing "The Work " has got the incentive or the energy to procreate.Let's face it you can't even touch your partners breasts without prior consent ,who is going to bother with the rest!
(2)If you follow the dietary requirements of this cult and sleep between 9.00 pm and 3.00am then you'll end up looking like Serge(he looks like an old junkie) .There is a good chance you'll expire prematurely.( Interesting that Serge has not yielded any progeny since becoming " the One").
My point in all of this is- this cult under it's own steam will evaporate, but our mission here is to warn prospective clients of this madman and his fawning army of disciples.
We are not dealing with a benign organization here. This is a DANGEROUS CULT . -Eric Dobbs

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: VenusDarkly ()
Date: September 15, 2012 09:03PM

Wow, I just read through that astrology thread. Go astrologers!!! xxxoxxx It turned out to be quite a resource, through which I found that Medical Observer article [] as well as a few more snippets of first hand stuff. I have to say I found all of it distressing. The UM damage to date is much worse than I thought. The induced eating disorders, the restrictions on exercise and preparing food for children (?!), the followers identifiable in public by their poor complexions and frailty, the 'bad entity' riddled husbands, the magic pillow cases, the rationale of 'clearing all of men's negativity energy' through Esoteric Breast Massage, and the woman who described EBM as 'the most horrible thing I've had in my entire life'. !!!!

Plus the medical professionals going into bat for Serge, either oblivious or callously dismissive of the obvious harm being done, as well as abandoning their dignity, their credibility and their accountability. Including disregarding Leonardo Pythagoras Benhayon's lack of formal qualifications or membership of a professional association which would require him to prove his accountability. Plus the Medicare fraud -- the sheer obnoxious audacity of getting Medicare coverage for unproven, unpleasant, blatantly, piss takingly exploitative quackery. I recognized names among Serge's apologists from 7 years ago as well as faces in the videos. The core apologists are still hanging in there, either beholden to the group via coercion or blackmail, or they really do believe Serge's bullshit. Why wouldn't they I suppose, when Serge believes it himself.

The extent of this insanity and destruction floors me.

One good thing though, is that the truth is trickling out. I just wonder how on earth they suppressed it for so long. I'll say it again -- the disappearing blogs, the cleansing of posts from the UM site, the fact there are so few first hand accounts, even on the net, when the abuses are so obvious -- this wall of silence -- points to coercion. Corruption and coercion.

And paranoia. I left this thread for five hours and it had 500 hits. I doubt we can put that down to Macready getting into a clicking frenzy. The astrologers noticed changes to UM related sites after they mentioned certain details in their thread. Yes, UM is paying attention. A lot of attention, whether it be to Rick Ross or media coverage or a group of astrologers poring over SB's chart. They're attempting Scientologyesque PR blitzing and damage control. If they have so much integrity, what are they so afraid of? Hm?

They doth protest too much, methinks.

If you're reading UMers, you have nothing to be afraid of. I don't personally know anyone on this site. We're a small group of concerned, but disparate and diverse contributors apparently scattered across several continents. We're sharing information and providing support for those hurt by your actions. The world isn't against you or Uncle Serge. We're here because we're trying to make sense of how UM got to be so out of control, and working on how we might prevent more harm and repair the damage done to health, personalities, relationships and families. I won't condescend to speak for everyone else here, but personally, I'm not here to attack and damage you. I'm urging you to to examine your actions and the consequences of those and to behave with accountability. We want all at UM to be healthy and enjoy satisfying and fulfilling lives. We want them to recognize and attend to the wellbeing requirements of their children. There is no conspiracy at work here, apart from the obvious one, our open conspiracy against harm. That's what those like me and many more who'll pick up after us are prepared to go into bat for. Unlike you, we're not defending a proven professional liar and abuser and his rancid distortion of healing, we're going into bat against harm and for what's left of the good name of healing. Even then, it won't be us that bring you down -- it'll be the truth, and more people learning the facts about your dangerous deficit of integrity.

Now, to business.

Corboy said: 'We gotta examine the UM recommendations on food from a dieticians perspective.'

I can help here, although I'm not a professional dietitian, I have studied nutrition. It's not just the calcium deficiency. I don't have all the details of Serge's dietary recommendations (please submit more info anyone, by PM if you like), but from what I gather from the first hand stuff -- and the way Uncle Serge looks, it's a fairly general state of malnutrition. It appears he's encouraging limited food intake to start with. Fasting?

The low blood sugar alone from nutritionally inadequate meals, poorly spaced meals and fasting can lead to light headedness, mood swings, poor concentration, dizziness and fatigue.

Inadequate intake of protein will lead to muscle wasting, including degeneration of internal organs. Inadequate B vitamins found in grains, meats and certain veges contribute to low blood sugar, hormonal imbalances and neurological symptoms, including nerve disorders such as abnormal sensations like numbness, pins and needles, insomnia, cognitive impairment and mood instability. Insufficient antioxidants compromise immune function. Insufficient minerals lead to problems with bone and connective tissues, neurological function, immune function…Insufficient essential fatty acids and fat soluble vitamins contribute to poor immunity, poor cell integrity, poor nerve function, deterioration in skin and connective tissue. Getting the picture?

Add that to Serge’s silly 9-3 anti-entity sleep prescription, and you’ve got cognitive impairment (reduced brain function) due to sleep deprivation (5 hours is not enough), plus cognitive impairment, mood disorders and lowered resistance to illness from malnutrition. The resulting physical weakness and difficulty in thinking straight curtail rational and critical faculties and decrease psychological defences. That's why Amway and Landmark do those long conferences that go all day and all night allowing participants little to no sleep, little water and little food -- it enhances the thought reform process. In UM's case the combination also lowers resistance to guruistic negative entities. Further, long term malnutrition and sleep deprivation can damage fertility and immunity, increase suseptibility to degenerative disease, and cause degeneration of connective tissue, bones, gums, teeth, skin, organs and organ function. Children will get sick recurrently and growth and brain development will be compromised.

I could bang on for ages about the dietary restrictions alone. And I could bang on again about how irresponsible, sorry, criminal it is for health practitioners to advocate Serge's nonsense.

Macready said: Likewise, the vomiting and convulsing no longer seems to happen anymore. At least it didn't at the workshops I attended, but I do know others who have experienced it firsthand. I wonder how much of it may have been psychosomatic? If people have considerable unresolved emotional and/or psychological baggage stemming from past trauma, combined with a level of fascination (or belief) in the ideas Serge presents, them submitting to the 'healing' techniques could pssibly produce such effects.

Yes. I haven’t worked this out yet, and it’s an area of neuroscience that’s not yet well understood. My opinion is it’s a hypnotic technique that bears reasonably consistent results. From my experience, I don’t think it has any occult/psychic or spiritual aspect to it. I think that because I was able to reproduce it in myself and others repeatedly without any sense of epiphany/revelation/wisdom/euphoria/nirvana or numinousness. I was genuinely interested in the technique as a phenomenon and undertook it with an open mind, followed the instructions, but it had no more transcendent quality to it than a run around the block or an aerobics class. Personally, I’d rather go for a swim down at Wategos, which is far more transcendental and healthy than a woo woo catharsis session with Serge in some stuffy room.

Ah, I can just hear the UMers convincing themselves I'm a pranic individual, too entity ridden to see Serge's luminous truth and beauty. Whatever. Chardonnay anyone?

I mention neuroscience because I’m pretty sure it’s an hypnosis technique that could probably be tested and documented in a controlled environment. I'm supposing the success of it is requisite on the subject suppressing conscious thought and self inducing a trance state. I’ll have to look it up, but Louise Samways talks about similar phenomena in Dangerous Persuaders I think, and Charles Lindholm in his book on charisma, talks about techniques for inducing ‘collective effervescence’, basically to heighten suggestibility in subjects. It’s also in keeping with all the cults that include altered states of consciousness as part of their arsenal of techniques for psychological manipulation. In Soka Gakkai, they use chanting, the Pentecostalists speak in tongues, Aum Shinrikyo used drugs and electronics, and Uncle Serge lays on the hands and talks you into inducing a state of receptivity/passivity.

Do you know of any better references Corboy? I wish I had time to research this properly.

Macready said: I have to wonder, in cases of women who have experienced sexual abuse in their lives, whether this sort of 'treatment' (and the questionable ideas behind it) might actually be compounding the core issues instead of addressing them, especially if legitimate psychological counseling is being forsaken in favor of EBMs.

I don’t wonder Macready. EBMs are medically worthless and duping vulnerable women into disclosing traumatic events and then subjecting them to this crass indignity is reabusing them. Reabusing them again if it means they are forsaking legitimate therapy, and reabusing them one more time if they lose faith in the healing professions and are subsequently reluctant to seek proper therapy. All because of Serge’s perverse whim to circumvent established therapeutic safeguards. EBMs are not a therapy, they're a violation, and they stink.

Again UM apologists, stop enabling this travesty.


Nighty night all. Keep well!

And thanks Rick Ross for giving us this space, these wonderful resources and the vital moderation services.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: September 15, 2012 09:31PM

Here are links to a study we discussed earlier on this thread on how humans behave when food is restricted. The study was done by Ancel Keyes in the 1940s and to this day is referenced in the literature on eating disorders.


Note: When calorie intake is very severely restricted, people feel ice cold even when the weather is in in the 30 degrees C and will dress in heavy clothing even on hot days when most others are in shorts or beach wear.

If UM devotees are wearing much more clothing than the norm, thats a sign of serious calorie restriction.

(A few otherwise healthy persons have body temps that are in the 96 F range. They can be ID'd as heaving more clothes on than the rest of the folk with 98.6 F body temps. )

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: September 15, 2012 09:38PM

Right after the material on Ancel Keyes study was posted, the trend of the discussion was disrupted and derailed for a time by an interloper.

Later, I resumed posting additional info about the way persons with anorexia nervosa are known to behave and asked whether this tallied in any way with observed behaviors in UM


At the very bottom of page 41, mid June Eric Dobbs noted this:


June 16, 2012 11:15AMEric Dobbs
Date Added: 05/16/2012
Posts: 63 Re: Universal medicine


Hi everyone, has anyone noticed that ESOTERIC BREAST MASSAGE has been removed from the benhayon sites.I get the distinct feeling that these loons are feeling some heat and it's not from their "fiery sutras" either.Is it still possible to purchase a jar of serge's fine ointment guaranteed to restore those breasts to their former glory I ask. ?

Come on serge how about something for the men- you know what I mean or will the breast tincture do the job. I await your wisdom-ness ,Eric Dobbs

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: MacReady ()
Date: September 16, 2012 04:38AM

Something for the UM community reading this thread to consider:

We all know that Serge claims that the 'energy' you're in is transferred into everything you do. I've heard him claim that if/when you prepare a meal, for example, you put the energies you've carried fir your entire past into that meal.

What energy, then, has Serge transferred into every aspect of Universal Medicine given his apparent background of lies, deceipt, conman tactics, fraud and sexual indiscretion?

According to Serge's own 'logic', would it not follow that every UM teaching is thus tainted, and that by aligning with Serge and his ideas, you are aligning with the 'energy' of this criminal conduct?

The choice in this instance IS yours, folks. Reclaim your lives and your minds and get out now, or 'stand by your (con)man' and share in the shame as more and more questionable conduct is exposed. I can assure you the situation is not going go get better with time. The truth about Serge Benhayon is coming to light. Unfortunately, it just happens to be at odds with the invented facade known to the UM faithful.

Re: Universal medicine
Date: September 16, 2012 04:54AM

Finally, a UM blog entry that to some degree acknowledges the need students have to keep going back to UM events to maintain the mood created by external stimuli, the '"Serge said" syndrome that's so prevalent among the cult, and how difficult it is for the families of these people to live with an obsessive, devoted Benhayon follower. The author absolves Serge of any responsibility for his teachings, downplaying the fact that his presentations are in fact little more than a series of 'dos and don'ts' (delivered with the assurance that apocalyptic consequences await if you choose not to heed his advice), and paints an all-too-simple 'happy ending' scenario completely at odds with the experiences of many others, but this is still quite revealing:


Hi MacReady
That blog post is disturbing on a few levels. Foremost it does show the 'bi-polar' world of false choice that 'students' find themselves suspended in whilst paradoxically insisting that no choice has been foisted upon them. As Lifetruetome points out, everything Serge says or does ( books, the recordings) are bursting with insistent instructions from how to view your relationships, what to eat and how to pick your nose energetically. This is the genuis of Serge's system- do one thing and say another:

If you don't do this the consequences will be pranic entrapment!/ I am just presenting, you are free to choose...
I lied to you about my finances and my past lives and I am fascinated with sex and overstep any acceptable boundary/ I am total integrity, love professionalism
I am not a cult leader, I wouldn't know how to brainwash people!/ "Your thinking is not your own'! " You are either living the occult law [as presented by me] or you are not living in-truth!- "What if I could get 2000 people to say this is not a cult?"

and so on. Amazingly, the students accept the official version and regurgitate it endlessly while being victims of what is really happening in the same instant.

This post shows a women in a state of paralysis trying to live a certain way- a way 'presented' by Serge, with a family fracturing around her while she indulges herself endlessly in trying to be some fantasy version of herself that Serge has dreamed up, rather than her authentic self as a result of her own self discovered truths. What a head f***

FYI, Serge is a wily little imp. He would never meet a partner and tell them something directly. It is part of his act of no harm/no responsibility- He would trot out the " I am just presenting choices' and smile benignly. His children, brought up in his world of false choices with hot air blown up their collective asses every day about how special they are, reiterate his inanities in the exact same tone and words ( before bursting into an offkey song or an ovarian reading while contemplating a past life or three). However if you have ever sat with Serge is a private I can assure you he tells you what he thinks is right to do, on every subject, very directly. If you were given to thinking that Serge was anything other than the crazy little dude he is, you would certainly be incorporating his opinions into your life because it is underlined by the idea, that all the students indulge, that Serge is a master who has cleared karma and is more advanced and therefore able to divine the truth better than themselves ( although Serge assures them they will be able to do the same in about 1000 years when they have cleared their pranic choices)

The evil-genuis of Serge is a man who has worked out how to control people around him for his own purposes and who has now made a production line of it.

His ex-wife, who hangs in there having been through all his BS during the 90's; the bad businesses, the dodgy dealings, the deceits, the bankruptcy, the people that are still out there wanting their money back, the recruitment of his young charge who morphed into his wife having never left his side all these years and splitting his family apart ( and not as pleasantly and with as much integrity (ahem) as portrayed right Serge) - His kids are lock step in his madness dutifully unpacking the UM private plated vehicles for each event with 1000 yard stares and sheepish dumb grins. They all get together to collect the mountains of cash rolling in and sell the chintzy mislabeled merchandise. They are a little club glued together either by a shared delusion or a shared complicity or both; all under Serge's control of 'choice'. Where is the choice there I wonder?

Now he has a rolling roadshow and his method has drawn in hundreds of families all processed through a system of 'control' perfected as a 'choice' whereby conducting yourself in a self absorbed inconsiderate way is considered 'regard' , splitting families or leaving partners is considered 'loving choice' while managing, triumphantly, for the victims to lay the blame with their estranged families as loveless and abusive. ( I give you Deborah and Miranda Benhayon- early conquests. A handful of broken businesses and now hundreds of families) The hapless victim in this blog simply lays bare the mind f*** that Serge has her and her fellow 'practitioners' engaged in every waking and sleeping moment of their miserable days.

The reason: Serge's worldview whereby he is the centre of it. The more people he has agreeing with him, the more right he is. And if you doubt that, read his intro's- he says it clearly.
There is no choice if you go with Serge. It is his way or the highway. But, hey, that is what the followers want. It is all about Absolutes. And that is what they get.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: September 16, 2012 05:08AM

Possible ways to keep UM going if members refuse to have sex.

Recruit new adult members

Recruit children who are still minors whose parents are devotees

Recruit (Most important of all) people in professions or lines of work who have lots of clients of their own whom they can in turn recruit into UM


Interior decorators

hairdressers (sing the praises of UM to those whose hair you style)

Massage therapists

Yoga teachers

Vegan chefs -- vegans tend to be be in the alterantive health scene where lots of claims are made that are not based on science.

Spa owners

All of you can think of more

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