Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: Jasmin ()
Date: September 12, 2012 01:51AM

There are also sold business cards especially created for good energy. A lot of Serges students in Germany have them. They especially are common by esoteric healing practicioners, now, or musicians. In Germany the Universal Medicine spreads it´s wings out very quickly, what to me is very scary. The followers of Serge Benhayon and Chris James (very important Person for Serge Benhayon) , one of his students , who writes the songs that fit right into Serge concepts [$], are leaving the ones they loved including partner and families. Also did my boyfriend. After he left me I still found some of those healing symbol cards he bought underneath things to clear the energy.

Serge claims that: "the intention of one of the healing- symbol I found is to assist with healing.
This Symbol represents a point on earth through which light energy can be transmittet through for the occurence of a transmutation. (This is when low vibrations are changed to high vibrations; i.e. heavy energy to light energy) This transmutation passes through the item when it is lying on top of the symbol."
That was the text on the backsite of the card. the other cards I threw away...too bad...they where for meditation, sleeping on for example if you are in trouble times to better them etc.....or to have influence on childreen in their ages, they are in, like puberty etc..

My Boyfiend came back from one of the singing courses of Chris James and was like on drugs, telling a lot of "not beeing in emotions is good and other weared stuff. It took days to bring his mind back to earth. The names of the "School" and corses he took part of later on are: School of Sacred Sound" Innermost Sound Healing "The Healing Power of Sound".
After that he got more an more into UM. I finally lost him, when he went to the UK, England, sommerset situated "Lighthouse" of Universal Medicine to get "treatments".

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: September 12, 2012 02:58AM

They all want to get at the young people - and the parents, if its a school for young children.

Every program director at a school, whether its a music conservator, kindergarten, high school, gymnasium/lycee university, seminary, should, today in this Age of the Internet, do a background check on anyone trying to do a program that gives them access to the students.

Run a check for police records. a check to see if this person is in a C-U-L-T .

One can also use search terms such as complaints, secretive, mystical and healing.

As they say in the United States, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

This goes back to the days when taverns had free food--sausage, pickles pretzels, ham.

But...all those salty snacks created thirst---and that led the person who ate the free (salty) lunch to buy lots of beer or other liquor as a thirst quencher.

The price of the beverages made the profit for the tavern.

The free, thirst inducing lunch turned out cost something, after all.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: MacReady ()
Date: September 12, 2012 03:18AM


"Firstly, to address one of the main accusations: Serge Benhayon and or Universal Medicine never, ever tell you what to do or not to do. Serge always mentions possibilities but never does he tell you what is good or wrong, or what you should or shouldn’t do. Like he always says, ‘I am just presenting’."

False. All Serge does is tell people what is 'good' or 'wrong', whether it's 'evil' foods, 'evil' healing practices (anything not financially benefitting UM, or his 'fiery' lifestyle regiment. I heard him advise students to make sure they leave friend's wedding celebrations by 8:30 pm, so as to be in bed by 9pm thus avoiding entity activity.

"Another thing I noticed in the article is the way you have portrayed Serge like he is a money-maker whose only interest is money. This is an absolutely false and crazy thing to say if you met Serge and know Serge as I do. I know 100% that what Serge holds and presents is never, ever based on money – this counts the same for Universal Medicine"

False. Serge was bankrupt before launching UM and has blatantly lied about this fact to the world. He also has outstanding debts to previous business partners approximating $500,000. If Serge was a man of integrity who was not someone motivated solely by financial gain, he would have paid back this debt. He also would not have lied about his past business failings. Serge is a man who preaches against the evils of capitalism, yet he has purchased nearly $8 million in real estate in just four years. How can anyone suggest thus individual 'walks the talk'?

"Your newspaper has not been honest because if you were, you would see that you are forgetting to mention the male participants/students. You cannot write that Serge has 2000 followers who are mostly women and not include the men who are actually constantly attending courses and having sessions"

False. The UM student body IS mostly women. The male members make up approximately 20 - 25% of the followers. Therefore the statement that the followers are mostly women is perfectly accurate. If the article suggested that Serge's followers were exclusively women, it would be forgetting to mention the male students'. It did not.

"Secondly, you describe Universal Medicine as teaching followers to avoid ‘negative energy’. This is definitely the opposite of what Universal Medicine presents. We, as Universal Medicine students and practitioners, are not learning or getting preached at to avoid negative energy, but are making an effort to live in the most loving and honest ways we

Utterly, outrageously false. Serge's entire fantasy world is based on avoiding or minimizing base, 'evil', pranic energy. It's the core foundation of everything he presents.

"I know that Serge represents an amazing, loving way of living, by living it himself and telling us about it so that we all can live it equally so"

I think you'll find that Serge represents Serge, for the benefit of Serge. The emerging details of his past and present conduct are not 'loving'. They may qualify as 'amazing' but only because they are so disturbingly questionable, and completely at odds with the image of divinity he has presented to the UM faithful.

Re: Universal medicine
Date: September 12, 2012 06:07AM

Rock Biter
I'm an ex-cult member still overcoming the effects of belonging to the cult. Its disturbing to write those words. I've always prided myself on my critical reflexive thinking. All my critical reflexive thinking and training did me no good though. I still became ensnared. Almost to the point of losing my beautiful precious wife and everything I love, my children, home friends. The problem is that all the intelligence in the world wont cover up the deepest of insecurities that become the fodder for cult leaders peddling salvation. Having been in and now thank God and thanks to my amazing wife out I would like to try to help others that may, with every good intention, stray into this perverse evil. Why perverse? Becauee it preys on the innocence of the child inside. The child that always wanted to be loved and the child that desperately wanted to make sense of the madness. As long as you believe that you need some kind of redemption, some kind of plan to 'improve', to feel love, God, enlightenment, 'gentleness', 'harmony' or just want to at last feel OK and not frightened then people like Serge will always be able to peddle themselves as 'healers', 'saviours', 5th initiatiates' or whatever, showing you the way out. At a price. And not only cash. The price is recognition that he is the saviour. An egoistic trip disguised, so deeply disguised in words and 'gentleness'. The trouble is that when we so desperately want something we only hear what we want to hear and see what we want to see. But the very wicked thing, conscious or not, about universal medicine is the way that it teaches you that not only is this the only path but that you are very special and have already achieved some kind of step towards your self by coming along. The shared self-congratulations is sickening. And worse still that there are pranic forces at work that wish to drag you back into the old non-esoteric life - to suck on your energy. And this is the really wicked part, that those pranic forces operate through those that are closest to you, your wife and/or children. No Universal Medicine doesn't teach you to leave your family. It teaches you that they are pranic. And since as a cult member that you spend all of your waking life focused on the practices (gentleness, watching emotions etc) this means that all of your waking life you are also training your mind to be sensitive to the division between fiery and pranic energy - a constant never-ending reminder of how special you are and how pranic those around you. At the same time members of the cult celebrate each time someone 'chooses' them Selves despite the pranic manipulations of others especially their partners, children others. Cult members share excitedly news of another inevitable break up of a marriage - one of only two paths either the other partner becomes a cult member too or the relationship dissolves. My God those that separate must become a true part of the loving embrace of the other followers! Courageous enough to follow themselves! And in the meantime they leave their pranic families (lovingly), leave their pranic friends (lovingly) and inevitably associate only with other cult members, a natural process. Cult members congratulate themselves and each other about this. "My only friends are doing the 'work'". Of course the key part of this membership is to attend over and over again, workshops, talks, EDG's, group sessions, chakra punctures, breast massages, for thousands and thousands of dollars. All the while feeling great! Gentle, loving. As long as they keep on belonging to the cult. I haven't seen a single person on this quest for the Self that can actually just maintain any of this self-loving, ironically, by them selves! So the truly wicked part is that the combination of what is being both formally and informally endlessly reiterated is that the real problem is that your partner and families, because they are not doing the work, are pranic and even jealous seeking to bring you down. Difference is not embraced! The truly wicked part is that all relationships have problems because all human beings are flawed even if only in their exoteric personalities! But instead of relating and working through the lessons that difference brings, the beautiful lessons of liberation, Serge teaches that you need to be wary of pranic forces and as a last resort you have to leave to save your esoteric soul and in leaving continue to pay and pay and pay and recognise and recognise and recognise how special and wonderful he is. No one 'hides behind Serge'. Thats a lie. Instead the 'in truth' teachings of Serge drives a wedge into the 'flaws' in any relationship essentially blaming the other in a very loving way for their inability to see the truth of their pranic lives. I want to say publicly here and now that my intelligence didn't save me. My incredible amazing beautiful wife treefern saved me. And it breaks my heart the way that I treated her in all the damned years that I was in that damned cult.

Welcome Rock Biter and thankyou for coming on here and have the courage to share your story.
Treefern has been an amazing contributor and beacon of truth. You are extremely blessed to have had her to stick with you through the years you were in the group, and I am sure she is overjoyed to have you back in the real world.
She is lovely hearted women in the true sense.
Which makes what Serge does all that more pernicious.
What you have outlined is what I think we have all experienced. It is as though your partner goes behind a veil. There exists a divide that erodes intimacy and trust.
Sometimes there are flashes of the real partner, but then it is lost again as the 'choice' is reasserted.
What is disgusting is that Serge paints these detracting partners as 'loveless' and 'emotionally abusive" or even "violent' when in fact they are anything but.
They are loving partners who have supported them and their decisions, up to the point that they became aware something was wrong.
They continue to support them even if they have been ejected from the relationship in the hope that they will see the truth soon; but with the sure knowledge they will one day, and fearing it may be too late and a life misspent.

Cult members share excitedly news of another inevitable break up of a marriage - one of only two paths either the other partner becomes a cult member too or the relationship dissolves.

rings so true- when one comes to realise that the act of sacrificing their relationship is a marker of the level of commitment they have to doing 'the work'
you are told you are still loved, but it is patronizing and distant.
They gather in groups in houses together, actually now really loveless and devoid of a supportive love partner and physical intimacy, that though Serge denies it, people need.
Serge has created his own mini-nunneries and monk-houses of people caught in a nether world of an impossible choice, while the real world slips past them one day at a time.

thanks Rock Biter. May your life going forward be blessed and full of joy.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: lifetruetome ()
Date: September 12, 2012 06:38AM

Thank you RockBiter for and Jasmin for sharing your stories. Serge is one powerful man in all the wrong places....

To take advantage of the "inner child" is such a manipulative and predatory way to hook people in.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/2012 06:39AM by lifetruetome.

Re: Universal medicine
Date: September 12, 2012 07:22AM

There are also sold business cards especially created for good energy. A lot of Serges students in Germany have them. They especially are common by esoteric healing practicioners, now, or musicians. In Germany the Universal Medicine spreads it´s wings out very quickly, what to me is very scary. The followers of Serge Benhayon and Chris James (very important Person for Serge Benhayon) , one of his students , who writes the songs that fit right into Serge concepts [$], are leaving the ones they loved including partner and families. Also did my boyfriend. After he left me I still found some of those healing symbol cards he bought underneath things to clear the energy.

Serge claims that: "the intention of one of the healing- symbol I found is to assist with healing.
This Symbol represents a point on earth through which light energy can be transmittet through for the occurence of a transmutation. (This is when low vibrations are changed to high vibrations; i.e. heavy energy to light energy) This transmutation passes through the item when it is lying on top of the symbol."
That was the text on the backsite of the card. the other cards I threw away...too bad...they where for meditation, sleeping on for example if you are in trouble times to better them etc.....or to have influence on childreen in their ages, they are in, like puberty etc..

My Boyfiend came back from one of the singing courses of Chris James and was like on drugs, telling a lot of "not beeing in emotions is good and other weared stuff. It took days to bring his mind back to earth. The names of the "School" and corses he took part of later on are: School of Sacred Sound" Innermost Sound Healing "The Healing Power of Sound".
After that he got more an more into UM. I finally lost him, when he went to the UK, England, sommerset situated "Lighthouse" of Universal Medicine to get "treatments".

Hi Jasmin
thanks for sharing. Where in Germany has Serge and his co-horts set up camp? Do you have any idea of the numbers that are involved there?

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: John lazuras ()
Date: September 12, 2012 09:50AM

Rock Biter
I'm an ex-cult member still overcoming the effects of belonging to the cult. Its disturbing to write those words. I've always prided myself on my critical reflexive thinking. All my critical reflexive thinking and training did me no good though. I still became ensnared. Almost to the point of losing my beautiful precious wife and everything I love, my children, home friends. The problem is that all the intelligence in the world wont cover up the deepest of insecurities that become the fodder for cult leaders peddling salvation. ...............

Thanks Rock Biter for your story,

I hope you can share more of your experience about this UM cult.

A inside story likes yours in good as all people can see the inside workings of this organisation / cult and just not the opinion of a "group of angry, abusive men ...who wife’s have left them" writing on this forum.

Your story shows how Serge is a good manipulator in changing the thoughts and beliefs of the followers to get them to think the way he wants them to.

He is a very dangerous man and this is a very dangerous organisation....and those associated in the inner circle ...Chris James - Music Guru, and his immediate family members that work at UM.

I do struggle that well educated individuals are out there emailing and writing to the Editors of papers supporting UM and Serge shows what you have stated is correct.

I hope that no UM CULT Followers ever sit on a jury because of regardless of the evidence provided in the case about a person a UMer no matter how damaging the evidence is against the defendant ...if the Umer FEEL this person has high integrity and is a loving person (which the defense always does) they will provide a not guilty verdict.... exactly what is happening now with "The One"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/2012 09:53AM by John lazuras.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: HowDoesItHappen ()
Date: September 12, 2012 11:00AM

Thanks so much to Morpheus, Treefern and Rock Biter. You have all provided a little bit of hope to people like me. Hope is something that has been sadly lacking in this thread as well as in my life.

I still have no idea if or how it will happen, but at least now I know it can happen!

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: lifetruetome ()
Date: September 12, 2012 11:02AM

has anyone noticed this:


UM followers hiding behind support of women's issues. I would love a UM woman student to say what she classifies as "abuse". The women I have worked with who had suffered DV and "abuse" hid under tables and got hit over the head with hammers ended up in hospitals and fled to refuges. I wouldn't have thought a man cuddling you without permission is as bad as being "beaten up". Of course there are scales of abuse, ie emotional, physical etc, but I wouldn't throw around the word "abuse" unless I had proof that a woman was being abused, otherwise the word "abuse" looses its true meaning and that doesn't help the real victims of DV or sexual assaults. If any UM woman student out there has truely suffered at the hands of a man by "abuse" then please go and have proper counselling tell the police and get an Intervention Order and work with the appropriate authorities. I am confused by what UM and Serge mean by the term "abuse". Please I would love a UM'er or Serge to explain.

I have seen first hand what :"abuse" does to women and it isn't pretty, normally drugs and alcohol are used to help numb the pain. Would a UM student help a woman who is experiencing abuse even if this woman was using "drugs and or alcohol" as a result of their life dilema? Would Serge open up his houses to these women, even if they had substance issues? Please unless the UM group as a whole is actually going to go and practically help women (and children by default) who are being abused could they stop hiding behind real issues such as domestic violence etc.

Re: Universal medicine
Posted by: Eric Dobbs ()
Date: September 12, 2012 11:21AM

The Maestro Chris James spreads himself far and wide leaving the Poisonous Universal Medicine calling card wherever he goes. It's simple to find out his schedule , just go his website and the countries , venues and contacts are all there. Methinks these people who employ mr James need to know about his very strong connection with his mentor Serge Benhayon. I must say here that Chris James and his sessions were my partner's sad introduction into this dangerous Cult. I do believe Chris James is a recruitment officer of sorts . Eric

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