Re: YMBBA Ministries
Date: September 12, 2012 01:53AM
Welcome worriedmother- we all know the pain of what you are going through, be assured that we are in community prayer for all who are caught in this group. We did a weekend prayer and fast a little bit ago and if at any time you feel the Lord is leading you to ask us to do that again, just let us know. We know how important it is for us to stand united against the evil that is currently deceiving our family and friends. Do not give up on communicating with your daughter, send her pictures notes, texts whatever, it is so important to continue to provide information that is not tainted by lies, deceit and hidden agendas. I don't think Wells has a police department, but certainly there is a sheriff's department responsible for the town. Do a google search and then call them, explain the situation and ask that they put your name and information down as an emergency contact. They are aware of the group and the controversy surrounding it. You can private message any of us if you want to share something with a few but not necessarily here, the elders monitor this site so don't share anything you don't want them to read. The group lives under a spirit of tremendous fear (which we know does not come from God). They try to limit and control any outside info from getting to the members, they try to say it is for their 'protection' and to preserve the 'purity' of the group, but we know that the 'father of lies' never wants the truth revealed and will do whatever he can to prevent the true love of God from being known. But never loose heart, we know how this ends, our God will set the captives free, truth will be known and our children will return to their first love. Praise God! Stand strong my friend, Sue