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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: wendyjduncan ()
Date: June 05, 2012 11:06AM

I am confused. We are still talking about YMBBA Ministries, right? Do the group members live in different towns or did the Arlington group move to Wells, TX. Justin07, why was your son in Wisconsin? Do you know where he is now?

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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: sharon35 ()
Date: June 05, 2012 11:29AM

Same group. They have moved to wells. Not sure if more live in Arlington or not.

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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: Kjdean49 ()
Date: June 05, 2012 12:34PM

A large group of them have moved to Wells, TX. And we are still talking about ymbba. There is nothing about it that I would consider a ministry! KTRE posted an update about the death of the baby.

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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: Bobo The Echo ()
Date: June 05, 2012 01:36PM

@Sharon, I guess I do have you confused with someone else, Im sure I know you though, Wells is a small town. Anyway, I noticed yesterday that they have updated their website, and have added audio from the memorial service/sermon.

And have discovered another news article about the incident with Faith, this time its from Jacksonville and have alot more info about the situation that what KTRE and KYTX had.

Link to Jacksonville Daily Progress article

New report from KTRE and KYTX also (new videos as well)



They have also referred to themselves as the Church Of Wells (via their website)


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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: justin07 ()
Date: June 06, 2012 12:53AM

Hi , everyone. I am so glad to see everyones concern about this group. My son has been down there since last year and as you can imagine the fact that he is part of any of this makes me very sad. Apparently this Texas group has broken away from the original church because of the groupsradical beliefs. They are no longer associated with or supported by them. We have been praying that their finances would run out and that the members would 'see the truth' and break away from this rogue group, that has started to happen (praise God). Please keep pressure on them and expose them whenever possible. If you happen to run into Justin or his new wife Brittney, feel free to tell hiim that his family misses him very much and are praying for him. Thanks
P.S.- they always refer to themselves as "the church of (name of city) They truly beleive that they are the only real church so they call themselves "the" church of whatever city they are currently in.

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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: chris99 ()
Date: June 06, 2012 08:54AM

I am very concerned about the intentions of this group. I am having a hard time believing that this group will be leaving our community. They have purchased to many properties to just up and go. A relative of mine has seen them carrying a green box/trunk item into one of their properties, it is all they can do to get the trunk/box into the home. I have met one of the ladies; never been introduced/approached by the men.

I believe in Jesus! And, I believe in the Power of Prayer. But, I also believe a woman in labor for over a week should have been rushed to Medical attention. I am saddened for all the parties related to this young infant. I hope that they are not using the Lord as a tool to corrupt/destroy others. For their own sake I pray they are being true to the Lord.

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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: Kjdean49 ()
Date: June 06, 2012 09:52PM

Chris99, I don't know anything about the week long labor but I doubt that it involves the same pregnancy of the infant who was allowed to die. I KNOW my daughter's medical issues and her being in labor for a week would not be possible. I DO want justice for my granddaughter that I never had the opportunity to hold. I want my other 3 grandkids to be safe and experience stability again. I pray for a complete restoration of our relationship with my daughter and son-in-law.

Please continue to pray for this group. God loves them...went to the cross for them. The 'scales' need to be removed and these people need to be reunited with their families. We need to model forgiveness, mercy and grace and not just point fingers. Use this as a lesson that satan is truly out to destroy. And he uses Scripture to deceive. I am struggling with this but the God I serve is bigger than any of this and He WILL BE victorious! Stand firm. Be strong and courageous.

Okay, I'm through preaching. Forgive me. All of this is directed at myself as well.

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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: justin07 ()
Date: June 07, 2012 12:22AM

Kjdean49, never feel you cant speak the truth. The things this group is doing are wrong and harmful. They are certainly out of the will of God and have headed into the dangerous territory of self righteousness. You are absolutely right that the one true God is bigger than all of this and He will open their eyes and ears to the truth at the perfect time. Until then be assured that there are many praying that God's mercy and grace would be on His children and that the 'father of lies" would be revealed.

Chriss99-welcome to the discussion. Your concern is merited. My son is in this group and I assure you that they twist the truth and scripture to defend their actions. They have abandoned the idea of 'love they neighbor' and instead have appointed themselves as the judges of all things (and people). Do not be deceived by any show of meakness on their part they are cunning and aggressive in their intentions.

Te leaders of this group (Jake, Sean and Ryan) strive to keep the members isolated (no contact with family etc.) You guys are on 'the front lines', be aware of any that may desire to leave the group but have so lost touch with reality that they dont know how to go about it. Be available, ask questions whenever possible, try not to let the leaders keep the rest of the group totally isolated, perhaps that will help shed light on what is really going on.

Please continue to pray for the kids in this group that have been and are being deceived. Pray that their eyes and ears would be opened to the truth. That God's love would be upon them and that He would provide the courage and strength to walk out of there.

God's timing is always perfect

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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: chris99 ()
Date: June 07, 2012 01:15AM

@ KJDean. I am almost 100% certain that the same lady that was in labor for over a week is the mother of the infant that passed away. A very close relative of mine lives very close to the "headquarters" of this group. One of the ladies told my relative about a lady being in labor for sometime. The lady was doing a lot of walking, but did not give birth for some time. It is hard to believe I know, and I would like to believe in my heart that it wasn't so.

I do not like leaving my relative alone especially @ night. I know this group has told my relative she is not saved, and she is not going to live much longer. It really outrages me as they do not know what is in her heart and soul. She does try to be civil towards them. Last night, we were on the porch and one of the ladies brought a few the little ones over to visit. One of the men joined with a song book in hand. He and his wife sang a song, another lady from across the street was asked to come over; the three sang a song. The man asked my relative if it would be ok to sing another, then turned to me and asked if I minded. How do you tell someone they cannot sing.

There are so many vehicles in and out at the "headquarters". I know they have purchased some property in another county, which is nt far from Wells. It is more secluded. I have driven by the property: there is a pretty good size building which is unfinished. I noticed a garden, and Several travel trailers. An older lady came yesterday to the "headquarters" with some green beans out of their garden. A younger lady brought a mess to my grandmother.

Should I be writing down license plate numbers? My g-ma overheard them saying there will be more coming in this weekend. I know a few of their names, but have not met any of them. I am pretty sure I have seen Jake several times out across the street. But, it appears to me that there is another man in the group that may be a leader here. Please feel free to email me.

My heart goes out to all that have family involved in this group.

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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: Kjdean49 ()
Date: June 07, 2012 02:19AM

My daughter was overdue but, because of her condition, she has VERY quick labor and delivery. Yes, on the license numbers! If you get names, write them down with a description of the person. Can I ask about the little ones? Was it 2 girls and a boy--Savannah, Annabelle and Levi? If so, those are my grandkids and I would love to know how they are doing!

If you know any of this, step forward. Don't be afraid to speak up. Voice any concerns to the authorities. Sounds like they are trying to insinuate themselves into the community so, once again, we are the bad guys by speaking truth about them. Stay grounded in prayer and in the Word. Put on your 'full armor' daily because you are on the front lines...

Jake is an 'elder' and I know Sean Morris, another one, is there as he did the memorial service for my grandbaby. Not sure if Ryan is there but I am pretty sure he is. Write everything down!!

Justin07, God's timing IS always perfect! Amen!!

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