The original message in this thread sounds really awful! This is why I stepped away from Paganism (the semi-organized type anyway). So many Pagans and Wiccans engage in "witch wars" in which they engage in behavior that is so clearly in contrast to the beliefs and tenets of those religions. The Wiccan Rede strictly admonishes, "An' it harm none, do what ye will." Those acts are SO harmful.
Divine retribution will be visited upon those who committed such acts of hate. It would be really wonderful if the legal system could find out who these individuals are and prosecute them. It is obviously a hate crime and feeds the ever-present rift between Christians and Wiccans.
Why can't we all just bloody get along??
The term 'witch wars' is used occassionally in pagan circles for what goes on. Another word for it is 'bitchcraft'.
As to semi-organised I think Wandering would mean like the moot and open ritual scene, where rituals and meets are held that anyone can attend. Am I right, Wandering?
I don't know if you've had much to do with that type of scene or attended it on a regular basis, Jack?
I've had about ten years of being slightly involved in that scene and that of paganism as a whole.
Not saying wicca in itself is bad- but of course it, and the people involved in it, have things that can occassionally be destructive elements, like any other religious group. I don't see why critiquing pagan groups is wrong, there is plenty to critique, believe me.
By bitchcraft- I mean spreading rumours and lies about other people involved, to others in the 'pagan community'- this is particularly destructive because it is a small community.
Witch wars- yes these do exist in the real world- covens will fall out sometimes, or over a desire to appear better than another individual or group, or a belief that the other group is destructive, a coven will work magick against them. People fall out in any religion, and pagans believe in magick so of course that is one of the tools they will use in a disagreement.
There's a lot of power struggles, fights for status etc, within the semi-organised (good term for it, Wandering) pagan community. People can get demonised by groups of individuals.
Here is just one site about the bullying that can happen [
A lot of these problems may be lessened by working as a solitary and meeting others on a more individual level. People can get to know others better on the internet now so you know someone a little before meeting them (in a public place of course) rather than going along 'blind' to an open meet, not knowing who's going to be there.
As to the original subject of this thread- the person didn't back it up, but of course people say silly things sometimes, and sometimes carry them out. Such a group would not be a large one though, and if they were serious they'd probably not discuss their plans much in a yahoo group.
Also- can we stay on-topic, please? :)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2008 09:23PM by kath.