Hypothetically speaking...would you 'want' to believe in a Creator? Not just any Creator, but one who loved His creation. I'm just speaking hypothetically and not attributing any absolutes . What if the only thing this Creator ever called his creation was 'good'. What if 'bad' were defined as seperation from a loving Creator and 'good' were defined as closeness to a loving Creator? Would you want that to be a truth?
What do you mean? Is this just a random question or does it have some context to what we've been discussing?
My gut and reasoning tends to favour the scientific view and process in answering such questions. So, I suppose I have doubts concerning a Godly Creator, especially one titled, Him. There is just too much conflicting evidence (and I mean hard evidence, which I'm happy to share) to suggest that what the Bible says about the world being created in six days or that Eve was created from Adam's rib is nothing but fanciful (even dangerous & controlling). Okay, it is metaphorical, but what do the metaphors suggest?
The more I study world mythologies, including Jewish and Christian texts, the more I am convinced that the Bible is anything but fact. It certainly isn't historical fact. I mean, anyone who had anything to do with writing the Bible had no first-hand experience. In fact, most of what constitutes the Bible was written 400 years after the fact. Most scholars believe the earliest book of the New Testament was 1 Thessalonians, written perhaps 51 AD by Paul, who never saw Jesus in person and knew no details of his life.
My questions to you: 1) Do you think that the idea of god is diminished by giving it a sex? 2) Do you think that the Holy Bible was written by God? 3) Was Jesus and his 'miracles' unique (meaning: were there earlier examples of this type of hero and his actions)?