Re: are people just born desperate and gullible?
Posted by:
Mary Struggler
Date: January 05, 2010 03:22PM
The people who join NATLFED are rarely desperate or gullible. This political cult recruits a wide variety of persons including professors, doctors, lawyers, students, social workers, etc. The common thread being persons who are interested in changing conditions that cause poverty, who have seen the failure of other efforts and come to believe that NATLFED is the one true solution.
The recruitment process starts with exposure to the membership based, going door-to-door to sign up members and offering the assistance of the benefits clothing (free food, clothing, legal advocacy, and other benefits). The recruit is then exposed to a variety of tactics including standing in front of grocery stores solicitation money and volunteer sign ups, speaking at churches, telephone calling, mail outs, etc. Intermixed with these activities are classes and the recruit is slowly introduced to more advanced subjects such as labor history, classes on the various lawsuits the organization has waged to win rights for workers, eventually leading to classes on dialectical and historical materialism, Marxism, Leninism, The Art of War, liberation fronts around the world.
If the training cadre has done his/her job correctly, sooner or later the recruit begins to realize the futility of just dispensing benefits. That is when the next level begins, that the group has a permanent solution, revolution to install the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Not every recruit gets to that level and the organization also relies on the committed supporters who come to its defense during times of "attack" (negative press articles, red baiting campaigns in the community, lawsuits against the organization). But those who do get to that level are recruited to the inner Party and become full-time revolutionaries.
I don't have experience with a religious cult but I believe you can see some similarities in the method of drawing in people. The recruitment process can take a year or longer, patience is a virtue. Rarely does it happen sooner, in those instances the person already has a background in socialist/communist activism.
The first year as a Party member, the recruit is now a probational member and begins participating at local unit meetings (political discussions for internal cadres). The person can opine but not veto decisions yet. The person also has two sponsors who are responsible for educating him/her in Marxist/Leninist ideology. It is an unofficial rule to not engage in sexual relations with the person because the person has too much to learn, such a relationship can interfere with his/her development as a communist fighter.
After that first year, the person is now a full member of the Party. The person is eligible to join the military arm of the organization. That is the only section of the Party that has a separate recruitment process, persons are not just assigned to the military, they have to request it.
This is just an overview. I could go into more detail if you'd like.
Mary Struggler