Larouche & NatLfed, Bizarre Leftie Cults, interesting conversation
Posted by: dsm ()
Date: July 01, 2010 03:20PM

Here is an interesting conversation confusing Larouche and NatLfed but rich in links and participant comments, and they do figure out the different cults by the end: []

And this interesting political view of Jim Jones:

WARNING: these links are to a community of left-wing activists, so make sure you know what you are doing if you register there. (They are probably all fine people but a little paranoia never hurts. NatLFed does still have offices.) Personally, I am just reading their threads and getting an occasional chuckle when I recognize some of them. Like the "Sparts" who used to bust up meetings on campus in 1972. Talk about crazy! Those meetings often were in a totally different kind of "smoke-filled room" than politics usually involves. Couldn't always tell if they were Sparts or acid-heads, either.

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