Re: Ways to be Unaffected by Coercive Persuasion / Trance Induction
Date: November 28, 2011 07:33AM
I would say the first thing is to know yourself, know what you are vulnerable to. Secondly, you might want to start researching how to think rationally, rather than superstitiously.
It's been my experience that the more grounded I get in rational thinking the harder it is to fall for all the BS out there. However, a word of warning, this can be a danger to your faith. I find the older I get the harder it is for me to swallow religious reasoning. Maybe I'm being brainwashed by all the atheistic writers out there but --
I read over the various postings warning against this or that group or individual and I would say that 99% of them are what I'd call religious in nature. That doesn't mean that there aren't any dangerous atheistic groups or individuals out there; it's just not that common. Most of the people I know who are atheists or agnostic are not likely to fall for the kinds of things warned about on this forum, because they don't believe in any kind of supernatural or spirit or divinity, so anything that has that as a lure isn't going to interest them.
I know a bit about brainwashing because I was subjected to Skinnerian behavior modification growing up. Later, when I was in my teens I joined a Christian home church and got totally sucked in to the point where my parents had to intervene. It taught me a lot about the danger of religion. I think because religion (any religion) is tied to faith and not to rationality/reality there is a greater danger of people becoming "brainwashed" or willingly doing it to themselves because that is what everyone else around is doing. It really bothers me when I hear adults praising little children when those children say something precious about Jesus and God. Children don't know the difference between fantasy and reality and they want to please their elders. No one ever stops to think that maybe the reason these children are saying such things is because they have learned it makes adults happy. No one wants to go there.
So, if a person has never learned to think for him or herself, and is just parroting what older, supposedly more wiser people around him or her are saying, then he or she is in much greater danger of being taken in by dubious methods. They are more likely to unknowingly put themselves into a situation where coercive methods and trance inductions are being used. If a person never goes to such seminars or forums, they can't be affected. Thanks to this forum (and my prior experiences) I have learned to ask questions, and if I don't like the answers I either don't get involved or I walk away.
There are others here on this forum that can give you even more detailed advice. Corboy, for one, has done a lot of research on the subject and has a lot of valuable things to say.
Good luck.