Here is an interesting article that just appeared about cult brainwashing, which was written by a former "Moonie" member of Rev. Moon's Unification Church. it helps to explain how cult members are manipulated and hooked by cults.See
[www.newstatesman.com] Inside the head of a new cult member - New Statesman/June 30, 2008
By Allen Tate Wood
... Psycho-technology, simply put, is the combination of a cult's teachings, doctrine and recruiting/training procedures.
The goal of cult psycho-technology is the production of a series of peak experiences designed to make an impression on new recruits. For many cult members, these behaviorally and environmentally induced "spiritual experiences" lead from a healthy, open and questioning attitude to a complete regression into dependence and reliance on the cult group.
These experiences, occurring often as they do within the highly charged, tightly controlled atmosphere of the cult, are not subjected to the kind critical scrutiny that they ordinarily would be. Instead they are metabolized and socialized within the language and doctrine of the cult.
They are the occasion for increased approval from the group. Phenomenologically speaking, they initiate the "divine history" of the individual, and they reinforce the history and mythology of the group. What is perceived as a flash of illumination and liberation becomes, in fact, the first step in a march toward moral slavery and psychological bondage.
The successfully socialized cult member has entered a world in which submission to authority, blind obedience and conformity have supplanted such "outmoded" notions of character formation as the development of self-reliance, the capacity for critical thinking and the need for openness and compassion in human relationships.
Successful indoctrination into a destructive cult results in the repudiation of the individual conscience, rejection of one’s critical faculties and the colonization of the imagination understood as a supernatural experience.
This to me is more mature and more scholastic than the eastern philosophies peddled in the West. Like in CB's most of which were applied out of context. But it's not so much about East vs. West, but putting into context the different traditions we as humans developed from different environment.
So, speaking for myself, as Corboy, I will say that any teaching, no matter how accurately it is quoted and no matter how ancient and honorable its source will become corrupt as soon as it is combined and delivered using an LGAT operating system and hardware.
Often cult members will not blame the guru, but the other followers for the failings of an organization. They fail to consider the flaws of the guru because that contradicts the programming.Quote
It may be that many persons sincerely trying to recover have great difficulty because they think the belief system is the only ingredient that messed them up--and they may discount other elements that had as great or more profound an effect.
I have no doubt that this is precisely what happened with Chris Butler’s group. Apparently he has learned from other cults very well…Quote
If a seemingly 'Hindu' guru covertly learned LGAT methods from an American buddy who was an LGAT entrepreneur and slipped American style LGAT tech into and under the cover of gorgeous, glittering brocade adorned chanting and guru theatre, his or her followers may not realize that in addition to the dysfunctions of that guru's interpretation of Hinduism and the guru student role--they may have lingering poisoning from the LGAT
tech that their guru used---and never told them about.
But what if you think you got poisoned by bad Hinduism and don’t know that part of the poison was derived from an American source--yank style LGAT
…How can people want from a group or guru, what they were not told that guru was giving?
…We are damned vulnerable in human relations, even the brightest of us.