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Amma Supporters Disrupt Taavi Kassila Sex Scandal Discussions
Date: August 05, 2011 06:22AM

Misguided and infantile supporters of Amma Mata Amritanandamayi have succeeded in silencing a sex victim of supposed celibate Amma PR-man, Rishi Taavi Kassila.
The victim "Kevättä", who started a discussion about Taavi Kassila forum, has since been banned by forum owner Simon "Subudhinath" Rönnqvist who maintains various webpages about Äiti Amma including the Simon Rönnqvist Amma Archive.

"Kevättä" had courageously faced extreme threats from Amma supporters including Kirsi Pettersson, a lawyer who works for the Amma organization. Kirsi Pettersson secretly ordered Simon "Subudhinath" Rönnqvist to shut down the thread Onko Taavi Kassila eettinen joogaopettaja?.
Amma's organization issued a statement which deceptively tried to pretend that Kassila was unrelated to them, Suomen Amma-keskuksen lausunto Taavi Kassilaan liittyen even though Kassila was on tour with Amma Amritanandamayi in USA. The Amma group have not answered any questions or explained why they erased all evidence of their connection to Kassila on their website, [].

Taavi Kassila has not publicly written on any forum but has secretly written to Simon "Subudhinath" Rönnqvist. Kassila indirectly attacked "Kevättä" on various forums. One attacker is "Ihmetteleva" who claimed to be an anonymous person who had read Kassila's emails but is believed to be Kassila himself. The other attacker, "white magic woman" claiming to be a therapist had privately written to "Kevättä" with a dire warning seen in tarot cards. It seems that "white magic woman" and Amma's followers are practicing black magic on the forums and in Amma's ashram.

Discussions continue on other forums including,Taavi Kassila ja sensuuri and Joogaopettajan/henkisen kouluttajan vastuu, tapaus (Taavi) Kassila .

It seems that Amma has accepted Taavi Kassila's unethical sexual behavior even when it puts her naïve devotees in danger. Amma's meetings are dangerous places for a person's health and sanity.

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Re: Amma Supporters Disrupt Taavi Kassila Sex Scandal Discussions
Posted by: Subudhinath ()
Date: August 09, 2011 04:02AM

The "Amma archive" that you found was some place where I put a couple of video-clips that I helped the Amma people transfer from VHS to the web back in 2002/2003 when I was involved with them, I'm amazed you found them. ;) I had even forgotten about them, being there.

However, to the more important part. I did ban "Kevättä", but you failed to mention that I simultaneously banned her rival "white magic woman". The two repeatedly couldn't keep themselves from publicly arguing about private issues that just drowned the more relevant discussion about the situation in irrelevant private matters. The main reason why this is irrelevant is that "Kevättä" never was Taavi's student, so the whole thing doesn't really have anything to do with his possible questionable actions as a teacher. Stories such as the one about Karolina Hallenberg would be more relevant. Both "Kevättä" and "white magic woman" even literally insisted on getting banned, when we warned them... so no hurt feelings, I guess.

It's really funny how I'm according to you both is someone being attacked by Taavi Kassila's lawyer and someone attacking "Kevättä", that makes me neutral I guess. :D Another funny thing is that noone seems to reply to your message, unless they're being censored I guess nobody simply bothers replying to someone just trying to make up scandal stories. And for anyone who can read Finnish you're busted, since they can check how wrongfully you reference your sources.

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Teenage sex predator Taavi Kassila fraud yoga teacher author
Date: August 12, 2011 06:41AM

Rishi Taavi Kassila is sexual menance to teenage girls, a destroyer of yoga and a PR disaster for Amma Inc.

I helped the Amma people transfer from VHS to the web back in 2002/2003 when I was involved with them, I'm amazed you found them.

If you are Subudhinath, Simon Rönnqvist, the owner of the forum, then I am astonished at how sympathetic you are to the Amma organization. You even congratulate them on their PR statement which pushes the crazy fiction that Taavi Kassila is insignificant. Taavi Kassila is the face of Amma Mata Amritanandamayi in Finland. Why are you supporting the Amma group's lie?

I did ban "Kevättä", but you failed to mention that I simultaneously banned her rival "white magic woman".

You killed off "Kevättä" the main witness against Taavi Kassila, the woman who revealed that Kassila is not celibate, transmits herpes, buys prostitutes, cheats on women and chases teenage girls. You warned "Kevättä" to stay away from your forum.

"white magic woman" was a crazy person who harassed "Kevättä" both on and off your forum. "white magic woman" only existed to silence "Kevättä". "white magic woman" became a public embarrassment for Taavi Kassila's cause. You helped Kassila by banning her and now she has no reason to argue since you killed off "Kevättä".

The two repeatedly couldn't keep themselves from publicly arguing about private issues that just drowned the more relevant discussion about the situation in irrelevant private matters.

"Kevättä" exposed Taavi Kassila to be a fraudulent yoga teacher and dubious author who repeatedly broke several important yoga precepts when he selfishly and deceptively served his own sexual greed whilst actually harming others.

The main reason why this is irrelevant is that "Kevättä" never was Taavi's student, so the whole thing doesn't really have anything to do with his possible questionable actions as a teacher.

Dead wrong. Everything which "Kevättä" shared is relevant because it reveals Taavi Kassila's fraudulent and perverse character. It shows that Kassila serves himself only, not yoga, not Amma and not God.

Taavi Kassila's email permitted "Kevättä" to express her opinion and he wrote that he would not take her to court. "Kevättä" posted that email on your forum to substantiate her case in response to hostile criticism.

Stories such as the one about Karolina Hallenberg would be more relevant.

Do you want to imagine that Karoliina Hallenberg is the only teenager who Taavi Kassila has sexually stalked? If you want to bury your own head in the sand then do not pull the blindfold over the eyes of the yoga community. You know that there have been other complaints about Kassila on several other forums, including your own, and that "Kevättä" has more evidence.

Both "Kevättä" and "white magic woman" even literally insisted on getting banned, when we warned them... so no hurt feelings, I guess.

Wrong. "white magic woman" scored a success when you denied "Kevättä" her chance to express herself.

It's really funny how I'm according to you both is someone being attacked by Taavi Kassila's lawyer and someone attacking "Kevättä", that makes me neutral I guess. :D

No, not neutral. You are siding with Amma Inc.

Another funny thing is that noone seems to reply to your message

You are the one who is being constantly untrue. There have been many replies. The supporters of Taavi Kassila realize that they cannot continue to defend his unethical behavior without revealing his evil character. Why else would all references to Taavi on be removed? "Amma Amritanandamayi Org Erase Evidence to Sex Abuser Taavi Kassila"

And for anyone who can read Finnish you're busted, since they can check how wrongfully you reference your sources.

It looks like you are the one who is busted. ;-)

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Re: Teenage sex predator Taavi Kassila fraud yoga teacher author
Posted by: Amaroli ()
Date: August 12, 2011 08:04AM

It looks like you are the one who is busted. ;-)

Well, not quite. Here's the proof in Finnish from the mouth of "Kevättä" and anyone interested can hire Google as their translator:

05.07.11 21:13 Kuinka saan lopetettua tilini täällä, etten vahingossakaan tulisi vastaamaan tähän ketjuun enää? Tämä on jotain naurettavaa.
02.08.11 22:07 meidän käyttäjätunnusten lukitseminen kuulostaa hyvältä idealta. Koska White magic woman on jatkuvasti hyökännyt minua vastaan henkilökohtaisuuksilla, meidän poistuttua ketjusta voitte keskustella aiheesta asiallisesti jos haluatte.
02.08.11 22:19 Pyydän siis, lukitkaa meidän kahden nimimerkit, tai nämä molemmat ketjut.

She already requested her account to be shut down July 5th.

The original poster (A.Scam) came to the Finnish yoga forum behind a web proxy to hide his IP and linked to this thread on July 16th. He/she knows the things said in this thread cross the libel line in a big way.

A.scam, I don't understand where you are going with this paranoid exaggeration. You are giving legitimate cult critics a bad name.

What is your position, are you some celibacy inspector? Why does this bother you so much, are you a part of the Amma movement or an ex-? I mean, most people would react to this like "Ok so this guy broke his celibacy vows.. good thing *I've* never tried to be celibate! At least on purpose.. Clearly something that drives you crazy."

I'm imagining you are part of a bureau who keeps all the different spiritual movements in check, making sure the sex cultists have enough sex and the celibate ones hang tough. Everyone has to behave exactly like their movement advertises, otherwise you lose it completely and set the 'Net ablaze like an avenging angel of the Lord.

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Re: Teenage sex predator Taavi Kassila fraud yoga teacher author
Date: August 13, 2011 07:52AM

She already requested her account to be shut down July 5th.

"Kevättä" continued to write for another month during which she was incessantly threatened and insulted. "Kevättä" did not ask to be banned. She wanted the personal attacks and lies from "white magic woman" who called her a "net prostitute" to stop. She also wanted "Ihmetteleva" (who seems to be Taavi Kassila) to stop. Subudhinath prevented her from defending herself by deleting important parts of her testimony.

What is your position, are you some celibacy inspector?

Yoga teacher fraud inspector. I agree that teenage girls should be warned about Taavi Kassila's sexual intentions when he pretends to adjust their yoga postures. Taavi is not seeking God through yoga but cruel and unloving sex.

Why does this bother you so much

Taavi Kassila is a religious fraud who pimps Amma's fake holiness to promote his ego obsessions. Amma turns a blind eye to Taavi's fictitious celibate monk image. Amma allows a pathological liar who cheats, buys prostitutes, chases teenage girls and spreads herpes to women to represent her.

While Taavi Kassila arranges Äiti Amma's ashram meditation courses he is also arranging sex with different women including an 18 year old girl.

When Taavi Kassila sends photos of Amma Mata Amritanandamayi to Helsinki Sanomat, he is also sending sexual photos of himself over the internet.

As Honorary Chairman and official PR contact for Suomen Amma-Keskus R.Y, Taavi Kassila gives spiritual interviews to YLE TV but he is also interviewing new recruits for sexual, not spiritual or unwordly, potential.

While Taavi Kassila preaches celibacy to MTV3 (Taavi Kassila: Tämän vuoksi selibaatti kannattaa) he is secretly having sexual affairs and giving genital herpes to multiple women and even teenagers.

*I've* never tried to be celibate!

But maybe you have tried drinking your own urine as your name "Amaroli" suggests? Are you connected to Gregorian Bivolaru's Natha tantra yoga? Taavi Kassila was. That might explain your interest here.

otherwise you lose it completely and set the 'Net ablaze like an avenging angel of the Lord.

Yes, that is me, defender of the weak. What about you, do you enjoy defending religious sociopaths?

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Re: Sex Scandal: Rishi Taavi Kassila, Amma Amritanandamayi's Promoter
Date: August 16, 2011 12:15AM

Amma Center Finland has been in contact with Amma and her organization with regard to a blog concerning Taavi Kassila and related discussions on some forums, including this one.

Taavi Kassila had, among other people, an active role when the association was founded in Finland in 1998. From these early years stemmed also a title of “honorary chairman” (referred to in the discussion) which, however, was a title with no formal position, rights or responsibilities. Mr. Kassila is not nowadays a member of the association.

With the statement below, prepared together with Amma and her M.A. Math organisation, we hope to clarify some issues that have been raised on different discussion forums.

On behalf of Amma Center Finland

Jarmo Tupamäki, chairman
Antti-Juhani Wihuri, member of the board


This is to clarify that Taavi Kassila has no formal position within M.A. Math or any of Amma's organizations worldwide. Thousands of volunteers across the world offer their services and time in support of Amma's worldwide humanitarian mission; this does not mean they are compelled to adapt their lifestyle in any way. They offer their services of their own accord and likewise they are all free to lead their lives in the world as they see fit.

Mr. Kassila has previously offered his services as a translator and of his own accord and by his own initiative he has at times spoken to the Finnish media about Amma. However Amma's organization does not have a dedicated PR department or personnel, and Mr. Kassila was never a tour organizer for Amma's programs in Finland or elsewhere. Neither Amma nor her organization has ever interfered in the personal affairs of Amma's devotees. Thus Amma's organization was previously unaware of the allegations against Mr. Kassila.

Regarding Mr. Kassila's relationship to Amma's ashram in India, the ashram is an international spiritual centre which is open to all. Mr. Kassila has been one among more than 10,000 international visitors the centre receives each year. International visitors are not compelled to live by any particular set of rules; they can come and go as they please; they can marry if they choose to do so. They have always been given the freedom to live as per their own wishes.

Regarding the name "Rishi”, at the request of devotees Amma has given spiritual names to countless people; certainly to more than 100,000 devotees around the world. The name does not imply any particular designation, achievement, status or spiritual attainment, and there is no preliminary requirement for a devotee to receive such a name. Before giving a spiritual name to someone, Amma says to that person, "Just by getting a name, the person is not going to change”. Amma simply gives names with auspicious connotations as a way of establishing a bond with Amma and to remind the devotees that their goal is to awaken divine qualities within themselves and to practice and embody these qualities in their daily lives. The spiritual name is not meant to be and has never been considered as an accurate description of a devotee's personality or character. Amma considers all human beings to have infinite potential and divinity lying dormant within, but it would be absolutely false to state that Amma would consider Mr. Kassila to be a "rishi," "seer," or "holy man."

It is also incorrect to state that Amma runs a "multi-billion dollar religious business." Amma serves as Chairperson of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math (MAM) and affiliated organizations, all of which provide open accounts to the Government of India. Far from being a religious business, the Mata Amritanandamayi Math is a not-for-profit nongovernmental organization with Special Consultative Status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council. This status was accorded in recognition of MAM's outstanding disaster relief work in the wake of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and other humanitarian initiatives.

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Re: Sex Scandal: Rishi Taavi Kassila, Amma Amritanandamayi's Promoter
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: August 16, 2011 01:26AM

That's quite a polished PR statement from an organisation that claims to not have a PR department or personnel.

Distancing the organisation from the questionable person but no real questions addressed. Polished.

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Rishi Taavi Kassila Hidden Under Mata Amma Amritanandamayi's Dress
Date: August 17, 2011 03:46AM

That's quite a polished PR statement from an organisation that claims to not have a PR department or personnel.

He he he.

Very polished. It is probably the standard defense to all accusations of wrongdoing by Amma and her gang of new religious thuggees. The basic PR statement has already been ridiculed on Finnish forums. Amma Finland has not dared to reply to criticism.

Amma Center Finland dishonestly wishes us to believe that they have no members. In this way, when a "member" does something criminal or unethical then they simply claim not to know him. But Amma Finland will have trouble hiding Taavi Kassila who has been at the front of all of their major activities in publicity, tour organizing and Amma IAM meditation courses. We can all see that they are desperately trying to hide Taavi by using Google's cache, "Amma Amritanandamayi Org Erase Evidence to Sex Abuser Taavi Kassila"

Every year, in many countries, before an Amma visit, the Amma businesses illegally and dangerously stick Amma posters on traffic lights, street lamps and crossings. The Mata Amritanandamayi leaders print, distribute and organize the illegal promotion campaigns. In India, Amma's promoters have beaten villagers with iron bars because they politely asked for Amma hoardings to be removed after Amma's circus had left town.

Distancing the organisation from the questionable person but no real questions addressed. Polished.

Amma's devotees believe that Amma knows what is happening with each person. Why then has Amma NOT acted to save teenage girls from Taavi Kassila, a compulsive sex addict whose teenage seductions come close to pedophilia?

Amma knows now, if she did not before, that Taavi is ruining lives, why then does she not act to save the victims? Is it because there is no money to be made from it?

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Taavi Kassila To Face Jail And Amma Lose Charities If Sex Victims Sue
Date: August 19, 2011 11:59PM

Sex pest and Amma media man Rishi Taavi Kassila could go to jail whilst Amma Mata Amritanandamayi could lose her charitable status which has saved her millions in taxes.

Kassila could be prosecuted for sexual assault and battery for infecting unsuspecting young women with an incurable sexual disease whilst pretending to be a celibate Amma monk.

Taavi Kassila who manages Amma's PR and ashram meditation courses could go to jail for ruining the health of women who trusted his holy office because of the trusted positions which Amma has given him. Kassila has been a spokesman, Amma teaching tour organizer, translator, meditation teacher and ashram tour arranger.

The 57 year old Amma devotee Taavi Kassila's lifelong career of chasing teenage girls was exposed when his sex victims complained on the internet. It was also revealed that Kassila had bought several prostitutes.

Amma has hit back hard, not against her Rishi, the abusive sex predator Taavi Kassila, but against his female victims. Holy Hugging Mother Amma has ordered Suomen Amma-Keskus R.Y. (Amma Center Finland) founder Kassila to lawyer up and shut the mouths of the women who dare to expose the scam the Amma scam sham. In a carefully worded press release, Amma tried to pretend that she was not responsible for Kassila but simultaneously suspiciously deleted of Taavi Kassila's name from every historical page of Kassila though is a valuable fund raiser for Amma and was still on USA tour with her weeks after the sex scandal broke. Kassila's critics has been silenced by aggressive Amma devotees on several forums including killing popular conversations "Is Taavi Kassila and ethical joga teacher?(Onko Taavi Kassila eettinen joogaopettaja?)".

Kassila's multiple partners, who were lied to, technically did not have consensual sex. If Kassila had warned them about the dangers of his herpes infection then they would not have consented to sex. Kassila could also be prosecuted for sexual battery.

As more women come forward on the internet with Taavi Kassila encounter stories spanning several decades, Kassila's worst enemy is the very medium he has embraced - publicity. Taavi, who frequently fantasizes about escaping to the Amritpuri Ashram, has obviously failed to find loving in the arms of the Hugging Saint but instead continues posting love poems on his Facebook wall as he seeks even more sex victims with Amma Sudhamani Idamanne's consent.

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Re: Amma and Herpes Infected Promoter Taavi Kassila "Dangerous" to Women
Posted by: exatman ()
Date: November 22, 2011 05:13PM

I notice you the new forum opened in italy against Gregorian Bivolaru and MISA, and italian branches. You all are kindly requested to post your contributes to help us in this important action.

Thanking you,

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