Rishi Taavi Kassila is sexual menance to teenage girls, a destroyer of yoga and a PR disaster for Amma Inc.
I helped the Amma people transfer from VHS to the web back in 2002/2003 when I was involved with them, I'm amazed you found them.
If you are Subudhinath, Simon Rönnqvist, the owner of the
jooga.meditaatio.fi forum, then I am astonished at how sympathetic you are to the Amma organization. You even congratulate them on their PR statement which pushes the crazy fiction that Taavi Kassila is insignificant. Taavi Kassila is the face of Amma Mata Amritanandamayi in Finland. Why are you supporting the Amma group's lie?
I did ban "Kevättä", but you failed to mention that I simultaneously banned her rival "white magic woman".
You killed off "Kevättä" the main witness against Taavi Kassila, the woman who revealed that Kassila is not celibate, transmits herpes, buys prostitutes, cheats on women and chases teenage girls. You warned "Kevättä" to stay away from your forum.
"white magic woman" was a crazy person who harassed "Kevättä" both on and off your forum. "white magic woman" only existed to silence "Kevättä". "white magic woman" became a public embarrassment for Taavi Kassila's cause. You helped Kassila by banning her and now she has no reason to argue since you killed off "Kevättä".
The two repeatedly couldn't keep themselves from publicly arguing about private issues that just drowned the more relevant discussion about the situation in irrelevant private matters.
"Kevättä" exposed Taavi Kassila to be a fraudulent yoga teacher and dubious author who repeatedly broke several important yoga precepts when he selfishly and deceptively served his own sexual greed whilst actually harming others.
The main reason why this is irrelevant is that "Kevättä" never was Taavi's student, so the whole thing doesn't really have anything to do with his possible questionable actions as a teacher.
Dead wrong. Everything which "Kevättä" shared is relevant because it reveals Taavi Kassila's fraudulent and perverse character. It shows that Kassila serves himself only, not yoga, not Amma and not God.
Taavi Kassila's email permitted "Kevättä" to express her opinion and he wrote that he would not take her to court. "Kevättä" posted that email on your forum to substantiate her case in response to hostile criticism.
Stories such as the one about Karolina Hallenberg would be more relevant.
Do you want to imagine that Karoliina Hallenberg is the only teenager who Taavi Kassila has sexually stalked? If you want to bury your own head in the sand then do not pull the blindfold over the eyes of the yoga community. You know that there have been other complaints about Kassila on several other forums, including your own, and that "Kevättä" has more evidence.
Both "Kevättä" and "white magic woman" even literally insisted on getting banned, when we warned them... so no hurt feelings, I guess.
Wrong. "white magic woman" scored a success when you denied "Kevättä" her chance to express herself.
It's really funny how I'm according to you both is someone being attacked by Taavi Kassila's lawyer and someone attacking "Kevättä", that makes me neutral I guess. :D
No, not neutral. You are siding with Amma Inc.
Another funny thing is that noone seems to reply to your message
You are the one who is being constantly untrue. There have been many replies. The supporters of Taavi Kassila realize that they cannot continue to defend his unethical behavior without revealing his evil character. Why else would all references to Taavi on amma.fi be removed?
"Amma Amritanandamayi Org Erase Evidence to Sex Abuser Taavi Kassila"Quote
And for anyone who can read Finnish you're busted, since they can check how wrongfully you reference your sources.
It looks like you are the one who is busted. ;-)